Finally attacked my 16X20" gallery wrapped canvass... sometimes it takes a while to focus in on what I want to create. After house cleaning frenzy over the last few days, yard work and company for the 4th, Ethereal is finished for Equine arts...
sometimes, for me, it helps when trying to think of a design/composition to get lost in other chores.
"2013 Equine Art: The Horse... and a Whole Lot More" exhibit co-sponsored by Emerald Downs and WA Thoroughbred Foundation [WTF]. Preview party and reception July 11 at 7 pm at Emerald Downs, 2300 Emerald Downs Drive, Auburn, WA. Exhibit runs from Thursday July 11th to Sunday July 14th.
OK - sometimes smearing helps loosen the ideas
more colors to the background ...
now that the canvass is coated into a background, I sat and stared at it for a long time...
well, I guess I need a horse... I'm trying to fade the horse into soft light. I used heavy modeling paste to roughly capture the horse shape... am thinking I need more texture in the sky & grass... maybe darken sky more so moon is more pronounced.
in-between star wars monopoly, late lupper [lunch/supper], kicking the soccer ball with my grandson on the 4th, I added more heavy modeling paste and more Payne's gray...
Still need darker glaze to make the piece more interesting... darker... darkest... stop
Just a little more tweaking but not too fussy as far as horse want the edges soft... interference paint really throws a reflection. I'm actually toying with putting a wee caped person riding the horse... below shows a cut out of paper that I stuck to the painting.
below - I added a wee small rider... still need to work on details but not too much...
I know he should sit more forward but ... Oh well ... The painting is called Ethereal - I sent in my submission fee and name of
painting two months ago. That's because the Equine Art exhibit is very popular. I guess "Ethereal" is mystery of a night filled with moonlight.
I kept tweaking the painting a tiny bit as far as moonlight on the cape, horse, etc. added a hint of tree in the back. Note to anyone using Golden Hard Modeling Paste - mix with color before using... it doesn't take paint well. Luckily it looks like moonlight on the tall grass.
Again the Golden Interference paints don't photograph that well. The horse is actually a bit darker like in the photo above the last picture. I coated it with sealer and took it to the shipping store otherwise I'd just keep messing with it. You have to know when to stop.
OK - onto other projects.
Guess what came in the mail yesterday.... Mystery Build Project box -
This year's theme: Reinvent a Work of art
hmmmm.... contemplation begins but not work till I'm caught up with ASAP art deadlines
I held I held off opening it until after I finished and shipped Ethereal today.
The materials inside...
The finished Images of what you created are due between 11/1 and Oct 20th.
Some info: Entrants must create an original work of art (creative object, construction, experiment, video, concept or other creative presentation) using ONLY the 2013 Mystery Build Kit and its contents as materials. The completed entry must be submitted to the Mystery Build Art Contest between 11/01/12 and 10/20/13. Entrants must complete a Submission Form at and upload photographs and/or video of the finished contest entry, as well as photographs or video of the entry in progress. Entrants may work as individuals or as a team. Teams must assign a representative to compete for prizes.
* Contest entries must be composed of ONLY the materials provided in the Mystery Build Kit (see exceptions). Entrants are not required to use all of the materials in the Kit. Entrants may not add any additional, alternate, or substitute materials to their entry. Entrants may use the Mystery Build Kit box (container) itself, but MAY NOT USE ANY SHIPPING MATERIALS (such as the outer brown cardboard shipping box, shipping labels, and plastic sleeves, packing materials like packing paper, bubble wrap, and foam, USPS shipping boxes, etc.) as elements of their contest entries.
* The contest entry must relate to, convey, or express the theme of the 2013 Mystery Build Art Contest, "Re-Invent a Work of Art"
* Entrants must upload unaltered photographs and/or videos (follow directions at of the entry to the contest website at Entrants must complete a Mystery Build 2013 Contest Submission Form at including their assigned unique Username and Password, the title of their entry, a description of the entry, and the techniques used to create it. The contest submission deadline is 10/20/13 at 12:59 p.m. ET.
* Entrants must designate one (1) photograph or video of the finished entry to be used for official contest judging and in the Public Voting Gallery.
* Entrants must submit at least five (5) photographs of the entry in progress that clearly show that the entry was created using only the materials in the Mystery Build Kit. A video clearly showing the process of the entry's creation may be submitted in place of the 5 photographs. Follow the instructions for uploading at
* Entrants may purchase multiple Mystery Build Kits and enter multiple times, however the contents of multiple Mystery Build Kits MAY NOT be combined into a single contest entry. Entrants may only enter one (1) entry per Mystery Build Kit (with unique Username and Password).
* If the entrant manipulates the materials in a very drastic manner (such as burning), and it is not reasonably perceptible that the materials used in the entry are components of the provided Mystery Kit, the entrant may be required to provide evidence (photographic or other) of the technique or process used.
* Contest entries cannot be obscene, indecent, or contain profanities. Entries must be suitable for all ages and for replication/display.
* Photographs and videos must be an accurate representation of the entry and may not be substantively digitally altered. Entries may be disqualified if they include special effects or other digital treatments that enhance or alter the appearance of the physical entry (such as alterations in Photoshop).
* Entrants MAY ADD paint, varnish, lacquer, food coloring, oil, water, dye, ink, and similar liquids to decorate or enhance the entry, or to manipulate the materials. Liquids may not be used for structural elements, but may only be used as a surface enhancement or as a tool. Substances which are not liquid at room temperature, such as wax, are excluded. Liquid adhesives not included in the Kit are also not permitted. Judges will have final ruling on use of liquids.
* Entrants may use any tools available to them to alter the materials in the Mystery Build Kit, barring tools that add or leave behind an additional physical material, such as a stapler which leaves a metal staple, or a soldering operation which adds solder. You may make tools out of any materials you want. Tools may include molds, which also do not have to be made of materials from the Kit.
* Entries may be photographed in an environment or setting which may contain materials not included in the Kit. For example, a sculpture of a boat may be photographed at a lake, or an entry may be photographed on a table. The entry must be the primary focus of the photograph or video. Backgrounds should not contain elements made by the entrant from materials not included in the kit. Backgrounds will not be judged as part of the entry.
A couple of weeks ago, I received this email. the 2013 Sketchbook Project traveling library is in Toronto. ON. I love that they notify the artist when someone reads your sketchbook.
We just wanted to let you know that Cybele Y. just viewed your sketchbook (#S91261) at NXNE Festival in Toronto, ON!
Your book has been viewed 6 times so far.
Sincerely, The Brooklyn Art Library Librarian
Page 1-2 in my 2013 Sketchbook
Below the last two pages
Lots of changes on Zazzle [layout of shops & policies] - somehow I missed the notifications. I had been adding many new photos to the Photos 9 Lives Studio… so many beautiful flowers in full bloom.
Photo below - Oakleaf Hydrangea
I also added many new whimsical images to my Nine Lives Studio shop. These images were actually scanned at a very high res from my 2.5x5.5" art-o-mat blocks.
The Christmas shop has many new Christmas ornaments due to adding the many new images onto products in the other shops.
Zazzle's new layout is much simpler; the shops are all basic white with the exception of the shop banner. Last week I had to resize/redo my banners but… I think I like them better. Takes time to get used to big changes – reminds me of Garth saying, “We fear change.” It will take time to tweak my shops as far as what I can adjust. Hope to finish that shortly.
Since the remodel, I have set up a corner for soldering/regular jewelry producing and my kilns are ready to go with plenty of storage for all the accouterments ... I just need to regain soldering skills, etc. I plan to enamel on my PMC and/or combine/add other metals [copper, brass] to the pieces. At least I have plenty of sketches and percolating ideas. Partly the "studio" former enclosed deck is either too hot or too cold. Still need to insulate the floor, figure out how to cool it or heat it. Luckily the Pacific Northwest usually isn't this hot!
In the meantime - I have my PMC pieces on my Etsy shop and I sold this reversible pendant last Sunday and shipped it out ASAP.
this side has a oval Hematite
[Hematite healing properties. Hematite is a birthstone for the zodiac signs of Aries and Aquarius. Hematite is a gemstone for the base chakra.]
I really need to work more on adding more PMC pieces and promotion.
I also used to import my Etsy store onto my Facebook profile. Haven't really worked with it yet but followed the directions ^..^
Keep arting and stay cool if you're in this wild heat!
Recently I had a great time with my Watercolor Pencil Travel Sketching class. We stayed inside for awhile as I explained info about the pencils, had them test their colors, and color two sample drawings to get used to using the pencils, then we went outside along Percival Landing boardwalk.
Another snap of two more participants... One couple who participated in the class are going to be traveling in an RV for an extended lenght of time and want to sketch in their journals.
Partial view of the walking bridge and a sliver of Budd Inlet - we were right next to the refurbished play scape. Lots of activity...
Upcoming classes : Please contact me about small classes/private lessons at my Studio.
Olympia Parks, Arts and Recreation – 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA Call 360.753.8380
SATURDAY Adult Classes –
Zen Brush with Color Saturday July 20th 9:00-3:00pm
Introduction to Mandalas Sat. August 24th from 9:00 to 3:00pm
Manga Ages: 12-16 July 15-19 from 9:00 to noon
Art Sampler for Ages 8-12 July 15-19 from 1 to 3:30pm.
Art from Around the World – Ages 8-12: July 22-26 from 9:00 to noon
Sketchbook Drawing Ages 8-12 July 22-26 from 1 to 4pm
Draw Your Own Comic Book Ages 8-12 July 29 to August 2 from 9:00 to noon
FUNdamentals of Acrylics Ages 12-16 July 29-August 2 from 1 to 4pm
Mimic the Masters - Ages: 8-12 August 5 to 9 from 9 to noon
Explorations in Watercolor – Ages 12-16 August 5- 9 from 1 to 4pm
Art in the Middle Ages and Today Ages 8-12 August 12-16 from 9 to noon
Collage/Mixed Media Art - Ages 12-16 August 12-16 from 1:00 to 4:00pm
Fantasy Sculpture - Ages 8-12 August 19-23 from 9:am to noon
6X6X2013 Global Online - Visit
Exhibit Dates: June 1 – July 14, 2013
Global Online Purchasing: NOW!
Gallery Hours: Wed. – Sun. 1-5pm, Fri. 1-10pm
Sold Out Artists’ Names Revealed Online: July 5
Artwork Purchase Price: $20 each
Purchased Artwork Pick-Up: July 14 – 16, 1-7pm
The Big Reveal!
Artists whose works have completely sold out will have their name revealed under their artwork. Purchase the last remaining artworks to reveal their name on July 5!
Update on my donation of six block prints [ #2429-2434] So far only one has sold. They do hold them over for the following year.
Art-o-Mat blocks…. First I'll show how to.... then I'll explain more about the concept.
The current blocks that an artist orders are thinner than before so one has to add 7/8 of an inch to the blocks. I cut mat boards and adhere it to the blocks - a box contains fifty blocks.
below after the trim...
Next you want your contact info...
After gluing that onto the back... it's more trim time! Yes, I know - measure twice, cut once... oh, well.
trims make a nifty pattern... OK back to work
Now to cut the Sumi-e paintings to size. Painted them on Bristol instead of sumi paper as the MDF blocks often stains/shows through the Sumi-e paper when I adhere it.
I painted in black Sumi ink and added most of the colored ink during the Spring Olympia Art Walk. That was a little over 150 mini Sumi-e Friday evening and Saturday.
below another adhere and trim...
Next… since the blocks are so small I just use a rubber stamp for a seal as opposed to my soapstone seals for regular size Sumi-e pieces.
Artists in Cellophane - here comes the cellophane part = actually clear acetate.
below in the shipping box for their return to NC -
Artist have to be juried in to the Artists in Cellophane. I started years ago and it's a great way to get your name out there. My blocks have been in the Smithsonian and MOMA Art-o-Mat machines!
Art-o-mat® machines are retired cigarette vending machines that have been converted to vend art. There are over 100 active machines in various locations throughout the country.
here’s another story…
and some other links
Note to self – read and reread the info/application submission form. When I reread before submitting, it seems you are required to enter two to this Art Call. Two for thirty dollars… oddly the info reads $20 for the first submission. $10 for each additional artwork. Minimum two submissions required. I was going to submit one because I dislike paying entry fees. Sigh… Well, I have started on a 10×10 gallery wrapped canvas but not sure I want to pay $30 for two entries as I have to ship/pay for return ship if selected.
Well as I said – read and reread the instructions and follow them exactly when you submit to any Art Call.
So here is what I did for my 10×10 entries:
Background first - building layers of thin layers/washes of acrylic. I don’t dilute with water but use Flow Aid
I use only golden paints. Adhered the lace with a gel.
Alost finished - I was working late into the "morning" and didn't take many photos like I did with the second piece that I made. A little more touch up and - fini
Zen Resonance (C) 6/2013
second mixed media start - backgound first.
next - I adhered a square of foam core to raise the embossed metal circle. Then I adhered the circle to the foam core but wait…
I tried to use heavy paste gel to hold down the black net but… it didn’t hold the net at all. Then I pulled off the netting and scraped the gel off which took the acrylic background off. So I had to touch up the background.
Embossed metal cut with a circle cutter placed onto the foam core block and ahered with glue and brads which help hold the netting in place.
After repairing the background, I tucked the net under the disk which hadn’t fully locked into place and added brads to help hold the net down and as a decorative accent. Still need to use brads to attach the pink pleather squares.
trying to glue the net in place...
plastic wrap to the rescue...
Beyond Life's Veil (C)6/2013
Learned this week that neither piece was accepted. Rather a faceless process to submit and pay $30. I know when I was chair for Olympia Art League Exhibit, the judges did their best to be inclusive within parameters of technique, quality, level of ability, etc.. Not saying that every person with or without multiple submission made it in but there was an effort as venue space allowed. Time to work more on other ways to exhibit.
Avanti 30 Day challenge... 30 pieces of 4"x4" art in 30 days created in June for the month of July.
location: Avanti Art & Design, 7601 Greenwood Ave N #101 Seattle, WA 98103 (206) 784-8475
This year’s 30/30 challenge opening will be on Friday July 12th from 6-9pm
- here's the invitation letter:
Hello Amazing Artists!We are happy to be celebrating our 5th year of the 30/30 Challenge, in our new gallery space! We will be hosting 50+ artists this year exhibiting their works created in June for the month of July. There are still a few spaces left & we would love to invite you to participate!
So I bought most of my 4″X4″ museum wrapped canvas for the 30X30 day challenge at Michael’s with their 40% coupon. I could have purchased them from Avanti Art & Design but that would have meant a trip to Seattle – I just don’t have the gas money. I did research into ordering from Dick Blick art supplies or Daniel Smith. The Dick Blick shipping was 8.49 for the 30 canvasses which cost $34 something… so either way – order or buy local it came out to $40+ which was lower than entry fee/combined purchase through the gallery. I was happy to have Michael’s emailed 40% coupons and one 50% coupon for the packages of 9… so I have 36 to work with.
I painted all the edge with diluted Payne’s Gray… I use Flow Aide to thin the acrylic paint because it’s better than using water. When you thin acrylic with water it changes the properties. It becomes non acrylic in a sense.
So there they are and I’m contemplating…
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm still contemplating!
But... I have cleaned the oven, tidied the garage, cleaned the gunk off the walls where the dogs lean on them, tidied drawers in the kitchen, discarded worn clothing, weeded the front gardens, etc.