Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


Finally attacked my 16X20" gallery wrapped canvass... sometimes it takes a while to focus in on what I want to create. After house cleaning frenzy over the last few days, yard work and company for the 4th, Ethereal is finished for Equine arts...
sometimes, for me, it helps when trying to think of a design/composition to get lost in other chores.

"2013 Equine Art: The Horse... and a Whole Lot More" exhibit co-sponsored by Emerald Downs and WA Thoroughbred Foundation [WTF]. Preview party and reception July 11 at 7 pm at Emerald Downs, 2300 Emerald Downs Drive, Auburn, WA. Exhibit runs from Thursday July 11th to Sunday July 14th.

start - finally on 7/2

OK - sometimes smearing helps loosen the ideas

smear and smoosh - painting tech terms

more colors to the background ...

maybe I should finger paint

now that the canvass is coated into a background, I sat and stared at it for a long time...

background for now...

well, I guess I need a horse... I'm trying to fade the horse into soft light. I used heavy modeling paste to roughly capture the horse shape... am thinking I need more texture in the sky & grass... maybe darken sky more so moon is more pronounced.

roughed out

in-between star wars monopoly, late lupper [lunch/supper], kicking the soccer ball with my grandson on the 4th, I added more heavy modeling paste and more Payne's gray...

working it...

Still need darker glaze to make the piece more interesting... darker... darkest... stop


Just a little more tweaking but not too fussy as far as horse want the edges soft... interference paint really throws a reflection. I'm actually toying with putting a wee caped person riding the horse... below shows a cut out of paper that I stuck to the painting.

to add a figure of not?

below - I added a wee small rider... still need to work on details but not too much...

caped rider in the moonlight

I know he should sit more forward but ... Oh well ... The painting is called Ethereal - I sent in my submission fee and name of
painting two months ago. That's because the Equine Art exhibit is very popular. I guess "Ethereal" is mystery of a night filled with moonlight.


I kept tweaking the painting a tiny bit as far as moonlight on the cape, horse, etc. added a hint of tree in the back. Note to anyone using Golden Hard Modeling Paste - mix with color before using... it doesn't take paint well. Luckily it looks like moonlight on the tall grass.

Again the Golden Interference paints don't photograph that well. The horse is actually a bit darker like in the photo above the last picture. I coated it with sealer and took it to the shipping store otherwise I'd just keep messing with it. You have to know when to stop.

OK - onto other projects.
