Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


(posted on 1 Jul 2013)

Avanti 30 Day challenge... 30 pieces of 4"x4" art in 30 days created in June for the month of July.

location: Avanti Art & Design, 7601 Greenwood Ave N #101 Seattle, WA 98103 (206) 784-8475

This year’s 30/30 challenge opening will be on Friday July 12th from 6-9pm

- here's the invitation letter:

Hello Amazing Artists!We are happy to be celebrating our 5th year of the 30/30 Challenge, in our new gallery space! We will be hosting 50+ artists this year exhibiting their works created in June for the month of July. There are still a few spaces left & we would love to invite you to participate!

So I bought most of my 4″X4″ museum wrapped canvas for the 30X30 day challenge at Michael’s with their 40% coupon. I could have purchased them from Avanti Art & Design but that would have meant a trip to Seattle – I just don’t have the gas money. I did research into ordering from Dick Blick art supplies or Daniel Smith. The Dick Blick shipping was 8.49 for the 30 canvasses which cost $34 something… so either way – order or buy local it came out to $40+ which was lower than entry fee/combined purchase through the gallery. I was happy to have Michael’s emailed 40% coupons and one 50% coupon for the packages of 9… so I have 36 to work with.

I painted all the edge with diluted Payne’s Gray… I use Flow Aide to thin the acrylic paint because it’s better than using water. When you thin acrylic with water it changes the properties. It becomes non acrylic in a sense.

So there they are and I’m contemplating…

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm still contemplating!

But... I have cleaned the oven, tidied the garage, cleaned the gunk off the walls where the dogs lean on them, tidied drawers in the kitchen, discarded worn clothing, weeded the front gardens, etc.