Art-o-Mat blocks…. First I'll show how to.... then I'll explain more about the concept.
The current blocks that an artist orders are thinner than before so one has to add 7/8 of an inch to the blocks. I cut mat boards and adhere it to the blocks - a box contains fifty blocks.
below after the trim...
Next you want your contact info...
After gluing that onto the back... it's more trim time! Yes, I know - measure twice, cut once... oh, well.
trims make a nifty pattern... OK back to work
Now to cut the Sumi-e paintings to size. Painted them on Bristol instead of sumi paper as the MDF blocks often stains/shows through the Sumi-e paper when I adhere it.
I painted in black Sumi ink and added most of the colored ink during the Spring Olympia Art Walk. That was a little over 150 mini Sumi-e Friday evening and Saturday.
below another adhere and trim...
Next… since the blocks are so small I just use a rubber stamp for a seal as opposed to my soapstone seals for regular size Sumi-e pieces.
Artists in Cellophane - here comes the cellophane part = actually clear acetate.
below in the shipping box for their return to NC -
Artist have to be juried in to the Artists in Cellophane. I started years ago and it's a great way to get your name out there. My blocks have been in the Smithsonian and MOMA Art-o-Mat machines!
Art-o-mat® machines are retired cigarette vending machines that have been converted to vend art. There are over 100 active machines in various locations throughout the country.
here’s another story…
and some other links