February 23rd…
Simply amazed- how’d we get to the end of February?
Learning a lot from my students as always, I’ve been busy teaching 3 evening classes plus the ORLA [Olympia Regional Learning Academy] Do My eyes Deceive Me? - Grades 6-9 on Wednesday.
Below is the last of the Winter Schedule:
Ellen Miffitt’s Art Classes @ www.olympiawa.gov/experienceit Call 360.753.8380
Introduction to Sumi-e Monday Feb 25 to April 15 from 6:00 to 8:00pm 8 classes
Class fee: $109.00
Make Prints, Make Books – Wed. March 6th to April 24th from 6-8 pm –
Class Fee $109.00
Collage the Next Generation Thursday March 7 to April 25 from 6-8pm 8 classes Class fee $99.00
Watercolor: Textures and Techniques Class fee $39.00
Sat. March 9 from 9:30 to 3:30pm
Zen Brush with Color Sat April 13th 9:30am to 3:30pm bring a bag lunch
Class fee $39.00
Finger Painting on the Moon Sat April 27th from 9:30 to 3:30 pm –Class fee $45.00
Children’s Spring Break April 1 to 5
Draw Your Own Comic Book Ages 8-12 week of April 1-5 from 9:00 to noon
Class fee: $86.00
FUNdamentals of Acrylics Ages 12-16 April 1-5 from 1 to 4pm Class Fee $105.00
Made and delivered a plethora of Sumi-e Easter cards and also Block print blank note cards
To The Gallery, Bainbridge Arts & Crafts on Bainbridge Island. I’m working on printing a second set of block prints plus today I carved a daffodil block. I see more cards in my future.
Zazzle shops…. Yes, Shops, I now have four that are up and running.
Happy dance as I sold a few more items on Zazzle and some prints on Fine Art America.
Having another art get-together play day with my artist friends on the first Tuesday of March, we’re still working on block prints. Going to make something tasty as a brunch after all artists have to keep their strength up.
I do post some of my poetry on my word press blog… http://ninelivesstudio.wordpress.com
I committed to writing one-a-day Stream of Consciousness style poems. Writing helps clear out the whirling thoughts – not easy to de-clutter your mind.
Stay creative, Ellen
Keeping warm in the Artic chill that has prolonged low temperatures in Olympia WA I’ve been ignoring the last of remodel chores till I can open windows/vent the house better. Happy dance to be able to concentrate on my teaching art classes and creating new pieces.
Currently Have work hung at The Brick House Gallery in Tacoma WA:
Opening reception January 17th, Third Thursday from five to nine.
Second reception on Third Thursday in February as well, and by appointment beyond that.
Show will run through the end of February.
Location: 1123 South Fawcett Avenue, Tacoma WA
Resolutions. How do you feel about them? For you? For the world? Made any? Planning to make any? Do you keep ’em? January is coming right up, and to welcome 2013, the Brick House Gallery is calling on you to voice your opinion. Literal is fine, but the more esoteric the better. Riff on it; give me your interpretation of New Year resolutions, yours, or anyone else’s.
My mind is percolating - think I have some ideas for this upcoming exhibit:
State of the Arts, Olympia WA is celebrating their 20th anniversary. "create a work of art in your medium around the number 20. It can be anything you can imagine, 20 polka dots, the numeral, etc. Your imagination is the only limitation. Instead of asking you to donate the work of art for the customer raffle, I ask that you make a small print of it and matt it. We'll give tickets to customers who will then put them in envelopes by the art work for their chance to win it during the party on Feb. 1. Yes, the party is from 5 to 7-ish. We'll have refreshments, maybe music and the raffle. Downtown has been doing a First Friday Arts walk and this event will be part of it."
Will post images as soon as I paint my 20th Anniversary themed pieces.
I'll have signed up to display in the Urban Onion/Olympia Hotel Balcony, Legion Way for Olympia Arts Walk XLVI , Friday, April 26th, 5-10pm, Saturday, April 27th, 12-8pm... wow, Spring is right around the corner!
Kirkland Arts Center has a call for artists to submit for their retail store. I just sent off a query to them in response to the call. Now to prepare a sample for the Tacoma Art Museum store... my goal this year is find more venues for my original Sumi-e cards, artwork and of course generate some sales. Today I’ll get down to Traditions Cafe in Olympian to switch out the holiday cards.
And for meditation purposes - my friend Andrea sent some yarn for me to knit fingerless mitts! I find when knitting, I really chill out as with any art form that I work in. When I’m knitting, ideas for projects drift into my mind so I keep a sketchpad handy.
Finally I must finish my neglected art-o-mat blocks and ship them out and begin making seasonal Sumi-e cards to bring back up to BAC on Bainbridge Is and bring down to Traditions in Olympia..
Trying to get away from all the cyber work on the three Zazzle shops. I’ve been adding new products to each shop and still switching some things into Zen Ink and Christmas Studio.
http://www.zazzle.com/Nine_Lives_Studio base shop, whimsical Sumi-e, watercolor pencils, block prints on products
http://www.zazzle.com/zen_ink traditional Sumi-e and Enso paintings
http://www.zazzle.com/christmas_studio Christmas themed images on products
http://www.etsy.com/shop/NineLivesStudio PMC jewelry
http://ellen-miffitt.artistwebsites.com for prints and cards of any of my images [mixed media/collage, Sumi-e, block prints, watercolor pencil & photography]
Plenty of classes at Oly Parks, Arts & Rec – check their website for details.
Olympia Parks, Arts and Rec – 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gov/experienceit Call 360.753.8380
Contact me for private lessons or group project at my home.
Keep hope in your hearts,
Greetings from Nine Lives Studio!
Super soggy December so far but dry and warm in my remodeled little home... the old snug as a bug in a rug could apply,
Although my remodel-finish-to-do-list still has many must-finish, I have finally begun creating art again making over 130 new Sumi-e original blank note cards. I have uploaded most images to my Zazzle store and on Fine Art America web store. Brought these cards to Traditions Cafe in Downtown Olympia and to Bainbridge Arts & Crafts on Bainbridge Island. Feel balanced again to be making art.
I just posted many new block prints in the web gallery and of course, in my online shops. I had two participants come to the house to learn how to make block prints last Saturday. It is so exciting to be able to offer mini classes in my house which basically becomes mostly studio although I trap most of the creative materials in the "art/office" aka extra bedroom. My "studio" aka ex enclosed deck needs to be insulated underneath the floor. It is a very well lighted area and all my PMC & Enameling Supplies are out there. I just have to bundle up to work out there or wait for a sunny day... ^..^ sun in winter in the PNW... hmmmm
As far as classes, the Olympia Parks, Arts and Recreation booklet just came out and I have the information listed on my web class page. Please contact me if interested in private lessons...
Remember art classes make an excellent holiday gift of creativity.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Holiday Season!
Ellen Miffitt
I participated in the Mt Green Holiday Bazar and The POSSCA/Friend of Olympia TRL Holiday Sale on the past two weekends. Was fun talking to everyone - wore out my voice!
Will be finally bringing new cards to Tradition in Olympia and to Bainbridge Arts and Crafts on Bainbridge Island... the remodel, as anyone will tell you, took more time than originally thought. It feels great to be creating art again after doing so much remodel work.
My "studio" [former enclosed deck] is almost ready for creating jewelry. I will need to insulate the floor sometime in the future to make the space useable during the cold/rain season.
I created approximately 100 new holiday and regular whimsical Sumi-e cards, scanned them all and slowly have been sizing them for posting. Painting them seems so much easier than all the prep for posting! I did purchase Elements 11 which is much easier to use. As I correct the images, I've added them on products for my Zazzle shop as well as adding many new images to Fine Art America site.
Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
the Hands on Children's Museum... has asked me to be a judge for their Sand in the City sand sculpture contest. I did it last year and it was a blast plus I was given tickets to the Soiree ... dropped off my donations [two PMC pendants and a mini collage] .....
Friday, August 26: 10 am - 4 pm (FREE!) Team Sand Sculpting Competition
6 pm - 7:30 pm Seaside Soirées - (pre-registration required - 21 & over
7 pm - 11 pm Sand Blast! Waterfront Gala – www.hocm.org/
Current Exhibits
Whimsical Sumi-e
Met Vets Solo Exhibit July- September 2011
Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital, 401 Fawcett Avenue, Suite 100, Tacoma, WA 98402
(253)274-0225 www.metvetpets.com
This show highlights the circle as an organizing principle found in artworks that are both realistic and abstract. Show Dates: June 16 – Oct. 17, 2011 Site location: University House Wallingford, 4400 Stone Way N, Seattle Charlotte Beall curator
“V" LAW's 5th Anniversary! Juried Group
Lowell Art Works Five-Year Anniversary Celebration! August 2006 - August 2011
Opening Reception:Saturday,August 20th, 4-9 PM
Show Dates: August 20th -October 8th, 2011
Lowell Art Works, 5205 S. 2nd Ave., Everett, WA 98203
Up-Coming Exhibits
2011 Soirée at the Schmidt Auction – donated “Lazy Swipe” Sumi-e for this fundraiser.
Saturday, September 10th at the Schmidt Mansion in Tumwater, WA.
Alexis Sarah Marketing and Fundraising Intern Garden-Raised Bounty(GRuB)
www.goodgrub.org bounty@goodgrub.org
2016 Elliott Ave NW; Olympia, WA 98502 Phone: 360-753-5522 / Fax: 754-1244
Olympia Fall Art Walk – I’ll be showing at two venues
Friday Oct 7th from 5-10pm and Saturday Oct 8th from 11am-4pm
Arts Walk at City Hall
Urban Onion Restaurant, 116 Legion Way,
September 9th - Functional/Dysfunctional - functional art AND/OR art
about functionality or functional/dysfunctional relationships/things
Avanti Art & Design - 7317 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103 Hours: Tues-Fri 11-6 and Sat 11-4
25th Anniversary Puget Sound Sumi Artists - Handforth Gallery
Handforth Gallery, Tacoma Public Library - Sept 10-Oct 21 Location: 1102 South Tacoma Ave, Tacoma Hours: Mon-Thurs from 9 to 9 and Fri-Sat from 9 to 5 Reception: Saturday Sept 10 from 1 to 3pm
25th Anniversary Puget Sound Sumi Artists - University of WA Reference Library
Second exhibit celebrating 25th Aniversary of the Puget Sound Sumi Artists from Sept 16 - Dec 30, 2011 location: Reference Library U of WA, 1900 S Commerce/S 19th and S Pacific Ave, Tacoma Hours: Monday-Sunday from 9 -5pm No Reception
Signed up for making a piece of Quilt Project memorabilia for auction.
Who: Artists, Crafty Types and Celebrities in Portland and especially beyond.
What: Make a piece of 12x12 inch wall art
When: By October 7, 2011.
Where: Pieces will be auctioned online and/or in locations around Portland, Oregon.
Why: Help Create Plenty raise money for the Spring 2012 International Plastic Quilt Project-in-the-schools programming and expand the projects reach beyond Oregon!
We're excited to work with you this Fall! Please click here to get started!
BAC Gallery in Bainbridge Is WA http://www.bacart.org
Was asked to donate to their October Crab Fest fundraiser...
Poetry Reading at Fort Nisqually Oct 15th at 2pm
On Saturday, July 16, I participated in a workshop titled Place and Persona facilitated by Tacoma Poet Laureate – Josie Emmons Tuner. The free workshop examined the writing of poetry from the viewpoint of an imaginary person. Participants explored Fort Nisqually [which is within Point Defiance Park] and the surrounding area of the park… then wrote and shared draft poems. Oct 15th starting at 2pm, participating poets from that workshop will read their work in the Great Room.
30 Days of Creativity: October 1st - October 30th - artists create thirty 8"X10" pieces of work in thirty days. V.I.P. Preview Night: November 30th and Public Sales Event: Thursday December 1st - Exhibition Sale Event at the Tashiro-Kaplan Artist Lofts in Seattle.http://30DayArtChallenge.com
Enso Center's Family Art Exhibit 2011 - November 4th-6th at
Enso Center for International Arts, R8708 196th Ave NE Redmond, WA 98053
A reception for all artists and their family and friends will be held Friday, November 4th from 7:00-9:30 pm.
Flow art gallery and studio Holiday Exhibit 3rd Thursday Art Walk Nov 17th from 5:00-8:00 pm. Exhibit ends on Dec 15th. Location: 301 A Puyallup Ave. in Tacoma’s Dome District. Owner: Andrea Erickson
Waiting to hear from the jury for the Friends of the Library &POSSCA Art Sale…
Nov 19th and 20th at the Armory on Legion…
EE-I-EE-I-ho ho ho Exhibit: farm based them for the holidays
Bainbridge Arts and Crafts Gallery in Bainbridge Is ,WA http://www.bacart.org
I’ll have 3-5 pieces as part of this group exhibit in December...
I plan to enter these exhibits:
Avanti Art & Design - 7317 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103 Hours: Tues-Fri 11-6 and Sat 11-4
October 14th - Masquerade - create works about masks, alternate
personas, or what is hidden/what is outwardly shown. masks/costumes
not required, but most definitely encouraged.
November 11th - 7 Deadly Sins. works about: pride/vanity, envy,
gluttony, lust, wrath/anger, greed, or sloth.
December 9th - Annual Art/Gift Extravaganza! Eclectic $200 and under
show - Artist's choice of medium, but all work is to be priced at $200
or under. This is the PERFECT show to include any artist's
prints/small pieces that can be bought & taken for holiday gifts!
Nov 10 - Dec 10, 2011 Opening Nov 10 6-9pm Closing reception Dec 10, 6-9 pm
OPEN ART CALL FOR PACIFIC NORTHWEST EXHIBITION "A BOOK ABOUT DEATH" at the Almendra Sandoval Quetzalcoatl Feathersnake Gallery, Seattle Washington, USA .
3209 Beacon Ave S Seattle, Washington 98144 USA
In the spirit of the NYC exhibition, artists are asked to create a "page" for the unbound book about death. The art exhibited in Seattle will be archived in the permanent gallery collection. The art will be available for future exhibition opportunities to share the Seattle pages from the global unbound book about death.
Started to work on my Sketchbook Project: 2012 picked the theme: Writing on the Wall INFO:$25 dollars for the "sketchbook", turn it back in by Feb 2012 - has a great tour of cities. Each participant receives a blank sketchbook that will be exhibited on the 2012 tour and cataloged permanently in the Brooklyn Art Library.
Sign up to join the 2012 Sketchbook Project or for info contact Art House Co-op www.arthousecoop.com
Greetings everyone - Hope everyones summer is going well... pretty crazy weather in the PNW. Hardly seems like summer one minute; next minute roasting because so used to lower than normal temperatures...
Best, Ellen Miffitt
At the Brick House gallery exhibit in April/May, I sold four Sumi-e in plastic sleeves… it’s nice to know they went to good homes – Thank you to the patrons…
Also received a payment from Art-o-Mat http://www.artomat.org and need to get 100 blocks done that are sitting on my counter …for a long time!
Sold some cards at BAC Gallery in Bainbridge Is WA http://www.bacart.org , Traditions in Olympia WA http://www.traditionsfairtrade.com and Shoreline Gallery in Lake Forest Park, WA The-Gallery-at-Towne-Centre/small-works-and-gifts.htmlThanks for purchasing my cards!
Bainbridge Arts and Crafts – Rental Program:
My whimsical Sumi-e cats are hung Silverdale Harrison Medical Center, in the lobby of Pediatric Rehab, Bremerton, WA.
Upcoming projects:
30 Day Art Challenge
I signed up for this exhibit... The Forgotten Works Challenge is now officially... 30 Day Art Challenge - http://www.30DayArtChallenge.com exhibit @ T.K. Artist Lofts #308, 115 Prefontaine Place South Seattle, WA98110
I’ve signed up to participate in Sketchbook 2012
News about the Sketchbook 2011 Tour http://30DayArtChallenge.com
2011 not only brought us 28,000 new artists, it also brought us the opportunity to travel the country with 10,000 truly amazing pieces of art. We jam-packed the Austin Museum of Art and we had a line all the way to the next block on 1st Ave in Seattle, WA. We met amazing families in Washington, DC and had 3,500 books checked out in San Francisco. And best of all, every single book has been checked out, for a total of more than 26,000 views — so far!
Sketchbook 2011 also allowed us to have a full-time staff of people who work their butts off to make sure this tour goes off without a hitch. I have never met a more dedicated team then the five people that drove your 10,000 books well over 17,000 miles in a giant box truck. They endured everything from snow to 100-degree days. They even had four flat tires during their travels. I personally have never felt so dedicated and worked so hard to make this the most amazing tour possible!
Though things took longer and we had some unexpected hiccups, I hope that everyone understands the magnitude of a 10,000-book nationwide tour. In the past four months we have digitized over 5,000 sketchbooks from all over the world, exhibited 10,000 books around the country and created a home for them in Brooklyn, NY that is growing every day!
Poetry Workshop News
On Saturday, July 16, I participated in a workshop titled Place and Persona facilitated by Tacoma Poet Laureate – Josie Emmons Tuner. The free workshop examined the writing of poetry from the viewpoint of an imaginary person. Participants explored Fort Nisqually [which is within Point Defiance Park] and the surrounding area of the park… then wrote and shared draft poems.
Mike McGuire at Fort Nisqually has said that they would indeed like the participants to return and read the poems that were created at the Fort during the workshop. A date in October will be announced.
Information about the Tacoma Poet Laureate program is available at http://www.tacomaculture.org/arts/PoetLaureate.asp.
Art Rageous
Saturday, August 6, 2011, 11- 4 pm
Auburn's Les Gove Park, 11th ST SE & Auburn Way S, Auburn WA
This free one-day art extravaganza invites you to create and celebrate art in the park. The third annual ArtRageous includes hands-on all-ages art activities, local art organizations, professional artist demonstrations, 20+ art vendors, food booths, and a special Wonderland: Alice Adventure all-ages escapade you will not want to miss!
Hands on Art - I’m presenting Sumi-e
Art Vendors
Current Exhibits
Whimsical Sumi-e
Met Vets Solo Exhibit July- September 2011 - Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital, 401 Fawcett Avenue, Suite 100, Tacoma, WA 98402 (253)274-0225 www.metvetpets.com
This show highlights the circle as an organizing principle found in artworks that are both realistic and abstract. Show Dates: June 16 – Oct. 17, 2011 Site location: University House Wallingford, 4400 Stone Way N, Seattle Charlotte Beall curator
Dropped new Sumi-e cards at:
Traditions 300 5th Ave SW, Olympia, WA
White Dove Gallery 5934 88th Street SW in Lakewood, WA
Bainbridge Arts and Crafts 151Winslow Way East, Bainbridge Island, WA
Finishing up the Children’s Summer Art Classes…
Check out the fall schedule here…
https://sites.google.com/site/ellenmiffittartist/ [specific for class info]
Online Shops:
http://www.zazzle.com/Nine_Lives_Studio images on a variety of products
http://www.etsy.com/shop/NineLivesStudio - PMC jewelry
http://ellen-miffitt.fineartamerica.com – prints/cards
Holiday Greetings to One and All
Hope this note finds you in good health and well being…
These first few storms have been wilder than usual and I hope you weathered them safely.
Holiday Exhibits:
"Emergence" has been selected to be part of the “Nativity” Exhibit for Gallery at Capitol Hill Presbyterian. The gallery will be open Sunday, November 28th: 5:00-8:00 pm (Artists’ Reception) -- Saturday, December 4th: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm (Community ArtsFest – workshops, benefit auction, cake walk and other activities for all ages) -- Thursday, December 9th: 5:00-8:00 pm (Capitol Hill Arts Walk/ Blitz) -- Friday, December 24th: 6:00 pm (Christmas Eve Service) as well as by appointment Mon.-Fri. 10 am-2 pm: call 206-285-2282 to schedule a visit.
Art Door auction fundraiser to support Tacoma Art Place Date: Thursday Dec. 2nd. Location: Speakeasy Arts Cooperative, 746 Broadway St.,Tacoma, WA 98402
Neo-Kitsch: national small works showcase exhibition at ArtsWest. Exhibiting two mini sumi-e cats images. The dates of the exhibition are December 5 – 24, 2010. Please join us at the opening reception on December 9 from 6 – 7:30pm. ArtsWest Playhouse and Gallery, 4711 California Ave SW. Seattle, WA 98116 206.938.0963 x 115 www.artswest.org
Holiday Cards
Physically my Sumi-e regular or holiday cards and block print cards may be seen at Traditions, 300 5th Avenue SW, Olympia or at Bainbridge Arts & Crafts on 151 Winslow Way East, Bainbridge Island and at The Gallery at Towne Centre 17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park, WA.
Other items with my art images
I have opened a small “store” on CafePress http://www.CafePress.com/9LivesStudio
and larger one on Zazzle.
Products include cards, apparel, mugs, calendars…
Give the gift of creativity - classes make great gifts for the holiday.
Winter Classes
Senior Services for South Sound Arcylic Class - register January 12, 13 & 14th - Friday January 21 - 9 weeks - 2 hour - Friday 1:30 to 3:30 pm $30 fee paid to instructor, material list available upon registering - contact Chris Quimby @ 586-6181 ext 123 or activitiesdir@southsoundseniors.org
222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501
Children's Book Illustration
Tuesday Jan 4 – Feb 22 from 6 to 8pm – 8 classes
Enroll in this information packed class and become acquainted with the concepts of design, storyboarding and dummy construction of a children's picture book. At first the participants will work to illustrate popular fairytales, folktales, fables and legends from around the world. Discussion with a simple critique checklist will improve storyline, characters, setting and dialogues. Class time and handouts provide students with the basic tools to continue working on projects at home. For the first class, please bring pencils and a medium sized drawing pad additional materials and supplies will be discussed in class.
Olympia Parks and Recreation – 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380
Make Prints, Make Books –
Wed Jan 5 – Feb 23 from 6 to 8 pm – 8 classes This hands-on class will focus on combining simple book structures and beginning printmaking techniques to make small edition arts books. Easy to learn bookmaking such as the Japanese stab binding stitch book will lead students to understand the formal qualities of the book. Simple printing processes like linoleum cut and monoprint will be covered for students to learn how to combine text with image.
Olympia Parks and Recreation – 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380
Draw into Print – Mon, Jan 24-Feb 7, 6-8pm - 3 classes This class will focus primarily on incorporating the drawn line into your prints and mixed media work. An intriguing hybrid among printmaking techniques, monoprints and collagraphs are a unique combination of two processes, monoprints are drawing, painting and printing, while collagraphs involve the combination of collage and printing. Techniques taught can be used to enhance mixed media art.
Olympia Parks and Recreation – 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380
Painting What You Love
Monday Feb 28- April 18 from 6 to 8 pm- 8 weeks
This course is an instructional class for beginning in acrylic paint that will cover the essential elements of competent drawing skills, good composition, accurate values, exciting color harmonies and expressive textures. A course outline and materials list will be mailed upon registration. Participants provide their materials
Olympia Parks and Recreation – 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380
Finger Painting on the Moon
Tue March 1 – April 19th from 6 to 8 pm – 8 classes
Jump start your creative side! Awaken the muse within no matter how dormant you may feel your muse is. With activities designed to lead you gently into a creative space, everyone will enjoy this adventure. We will work with a variety of drawing materials and explore how to develop our personal voice. Students will practice ways to overcome the fear of the blank page and find ways to start a series or develop a theme. This will be a mixed media extravaganza full of tips and prompts for a creative soul. A great way to test the water if you are just beginning or for the experienced artist to go deeper. Supply list available upon registration.
Olympia Parks and Recreation – 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380
Painting with Water Soluble Colored Pencils
Wed March 2 – April 20th from 6 to 8pm – 8 classes
Want the look of watercolor and the control of colored pencil? Water-soluble colored pencils can match anything watercolor do, plus have the ability to create effects impossible with watercolor. Discover this medium's exciting versatility. Learn about materials, tools, and techniques, and then apply this information to create a painting. Participants bring watercolor paper & watercolor pencils to class.
Olympia Parks and Recreation – 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380
Saturday Classes
Resolution Collage in a Container
Saturday Jan 8 from 9:30-3:30pm bring a lunch
Start the New Year by visualizing your desires and goals into permanence, In this workshop, we will create a work of art around and inside a container or box using a variety of intriguing techniques. Many of us have collections of ephemera in the form of old photographs, postcards, buttons, twine and found objects from everyday life to use to collage the box. After transforming it into a work of art, students will create an altered paper doll as resident. For the Beginner to Experienced Student.
Olympia Parks and Recreation – 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380
Studio Notecards
Saturday Jan 22 from 9:30 to 3:30pm bring a bag lunch
Collage embellishment fun filled fiber art notecard workshop. Explore various techniques, such as fused collage, couching, reverse applique, and materials such as watercolor pencils, acrylic paints, and more for creating these 5" x 7" sensations.
Olympia Parks and Recreation – 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380
Watercolor: Textures and Techniques
Supply list upon registration Sat. Feb 5 from 9:30 to 3:30pm material In this workshop you will try 15-20 techniques for achieving textures and special effects in your watercolors. You will employ colored pencils in the wash, ink line,
markers, salt, wax paper, crayon, and other materials with the washes, both while wet and when dry. The morning will be spent exploring these materials and in the afternoon you will complete a work combining 5 or 6 different techniques. Some painting experience required.
Olympia Parks and Recreation – 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380
Introduction to Mandalas Sat. Feb 12 from 9:30 to 3:30pm
The word “mandala” is a Sanskrit word that is over 2300 years old translated as “circle” or “sacred center”. Circular patterns have been used throughout time in many cultures, including the Tibetan and Native American, as tools for centering and healing. In this workshop we explore the history of mandala patterns and create our own personal mandala, using oil pastel, colored pencil and collage. Using principles of geometry and symmetry present in nature, along with your own personal creativity, you will come away with new knowledge of yourself. This should be a time to let go, to play with color and design, and to have fun.
Olympia Parks and Recreation – 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380
Clipboard Assemblage Art – Sat Feb 26 from 9:30 to 3:30pm
Create a unique clipboard assemblage using your favorite collage items, paints and mementos. Learn how to manipulate various media including acrylics, fabric, paper, text and wire. You may even dedicate your piece to a meaningful person, event or place in your life. This will be a journey you won’t forget! Supply list available at registration. Note students please bring clipboard or other surface for a base.
Olympia Parks and Recreation – 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380
Art of Handmade Paper
Sat March 26 from 9:00 to noon
Not only is making homemade paper a fun experience for you, but it's a good way to recycle waste into wonderful possibilities such as greeting cards, artwork, decoration for envelopes and more. Making paper is a fun way to express your creativity. A supply list with directions for making a simple mold & deckle in class will be mailed with your registration confirmation.
Olympia Parks and Recreation – 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380
Block Printing: Linoleum Cut –
Saturday April 9 from 9:30 to 3:30pm Learn techniques for the relief printmaking process using the flexibility and ease of linoleum. A relief is achieved by carving into the surface using special tools to leave raised images. These images are then inked and printed without a press to create a dynamic and textured print that can have many layers and colors. Students have the option of creating a multi-block image or themed cards to exchange with students to complete an edition. Open to both teens and adults.
Olympia Parks and Recreation – 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380
Auburn List
Auburn Parks & Recreation 2840 Riverwalk Dr Se, Auburn, WA 98002 (253) 931-3907 www.auburnwa.gov
Resolution Collage in a Container
Saturday Jan 15 from 9:30-3:30pm bring a lunch - material fee $3
Start the New Year by visualizing your desires and goals into permanence, In this workshop, we will create a work of art around and inside a container or box using a variety of intriguing techniques. Many of us have collections of ephemera in the form of old photographs, postcards, buttons, twine and found objects from everyday life to use to collage the box. After transforming it into a work of art, students will create an altered paper doll as resident. For the Beginner to Experienced Student.
Make Prints, Make Books –
Sat. Feb 19 from 9:30-3:30 pm – $7.00 material fee - bring a lunch
This hands-on class will focus on combining simple book structures and beginning printmaking techniques to make small edition arts books. Easy to learn bookmaking such as the Japanese stab binding stitch book will lead students to understand the formal qualities of the book. Simple printing processes like linoleum cut and monoprint will be covered for students to learn how to combine text with image.
Painting with Water Soluble Colored Pencils
Please note – this date will have to be changed – I goofed and have a class scheduled for Oly P, A & R … first time I ever did this!
Sat March 26 from 9:30 to 3:30pm Bring a lunch
Want the look of watercolor and the control of colored pencil? Water-soluble colored pencils can match anything watercolor do, plus have the ability to create effects impossible with watercolor. Discover this medium's exciting versatility. Learn about materials, tools, and techniques, and then apply this information to create a painting. Participants bring watercolor paper & watercolor pencils to class.
Block Printing: Linoleum Cut –
Saturday April 16 from 9:30 to 3:30pm Material fee $10 bring a lunch
Learn techniques for the relief printmaking process using the flexibility and ease of linoleum. A relief is achieved by carving into the surface using special tools to leave raised images. These images are then inked and printed without a press to create a dynamic and textured print that can have many layers and colors. Students have the option of creating a multi-block image or themed cards to exchange with students to complete an edition. Open to both teens and adults.
Watercolor: Textures and Techniques
Sat. May 7 from 9:30 to 3:30pm – bring watercolor paper, brushes, watercolors [dry or tube], water dishes and a bag lunch - Some painting experience required.
In this workshop you will try 15-20 techniques for achieving textures and special effects in your watercolors. You will employ colored pencils in the wash, ink line,
markers, salt, wax paper, crayon, and other materials with the washes, both while wet and when dry. The morning will be spent exploring these materials and in the afternoon you will complete a work combining 5 or 6 different techniques.
“You-Don’t-Need-To-Know-A-Thing” Collage
Sat. June 4 from 9:30 to 3:30pm $5.00 material fee - bring a lunch
Collage offers versatility and flexibility. Free your creative spirit with this fast-paced, upbeat “You-Don’t-Need-To-Know-A-Thing” Introduction to Collage. Come prepared to learn the basics of collage, materials, and techniques in a supportive environment. Emphasizing fun - catch the spontaneity of a child: finding objects, bits & pieces in the most unlikely places and putting a puzzle together.
Introduction to Sumi-e
Sat. August 20 from 9:30 to 3:30pm $4.00 material fee - bring a lunch
Instructor Ellen Miffitt will introduce you to the four treasures: ink stick, ink stone, brush and paper. The simplicity and spontaneity of brush painting begins by learning to hold the brush, making the basic strokes, and loading the brush to create tones and depth. The goal is to break away from logical thinking and to be spontaneous in expressing with the brush.
Centralia Community College, ) 7 600 Centralia College Blvd, Centralia WA 98531-4099 Phone: (360) 736-9391 Toll-free from Olympia: 753-3433 36-9391 http://www.centralia.edu/
Make Prints, Make Books –
Sat. Jan 29 from 9:30-3:30 pm – $7.00 material fee - bring a lunch
This hands-on class will focus on combining simple book structures and beginning printmaking techniques to make small edition arts books. Easy to learn bookmaking such as the Japanese stab binding stitch book will lead students to understand the formal qualities of the book. Simple printing processes like linoleum cut and monoprint will be covered for students to learn how to combine text with image.
Painting with Water Soluble Colored Pencils
Sat March 19 from 9:30 to 3:30pm –no material fee – bring a lunch, watercolor pencils and pad of smooth watercolor paper 90 to 140 lb and a small brush or two.
Want the look of watercolor and the control of colored pencil? Water-soluble colored pencils can match anything watercolor do, plus have the ability to create effects impossible with watercolor. Discover this medium's exciting versatility. Learn about materials, tools, and techniques, and then apply this information to create a painting. Participants bring watercolor paper & watercolor pencils to class.
Wishing you the best Holiday ever!
Ellen Miffitt
Nine Lives Studio
PO Box 11133
Olympia, WA 98508-1133
https://sites.google.com/site/ellenmiffittartist/ [specific for class info]
Collage: Exploring the Written Word through Art Saturday July 10th
In this workshop, participants will create a series of five small collages, each with a Muse/Guide as the focal point. Creative people visually benefit from stretching their ‘writing legs.’ Likewise, for writers to confront visual material enhances their own process. After the completion of each collage, a short paragraph based on a writing prompt/exercise will be completed that ties into the particular piece of artwork like “Is this Muse/Guide trying to tell you something?” Material fee $5.00 Auburn Parks & Recreation 2840 Riverwalk Dr Se, Auburn, WA 98002 (253) 931-3907
Travel Sketching/Watercolor/Pencil Workshop July 17th from 9 to noon
Ever wonder why we rarely relive our travels through photos? Perhaps because taking a photo requires so little investment of one’s attention. Artistic journaling slows your pace, as you observe a scene for at least as long as it takes to sketch it. Journaling is solely for pleasure – it doesn’t require that you be an accomplished artist. Regardless of skill level, you’ll be amazed how quickly your drawing and watercolor skills improve – within hours! By the end of the workshop, you’ll be dedicated to journaling. Centralia Community College, 600 Centralia College Blvd, Centralia WA 98531-4099 www.centralia.edu
Travel Sketching/Watercolor/Pencil Workshop July 24th from 9 to noon
Ever wonder why we rarely relive our travels through photos? Perhaps because taking a photo requires so little investment of one’s attention. Artistic journaling slows your pace, as you observe a scene for at least as long as it takes to sketch it. Journaling is solely for pleasure – it doesn’t require that you be an accomplished artist. Regardless of skill level, you’ll be amazed how quickly your drawing and watercolor skills improve – within hours! By the end of the workshop, you’ll be dedicated to journaling. Auburn Parks & Recreation 2840 Riverwalk Dr Se, Auburn, WA 98002 (253) 931-3907
Handmade Artist's Journals – Saturday August 14 from 9 to 3:30pm
Mixed Media, Watercolor - In this workshop, fabric, embroidery floss, paper, paint, gesso, inks, and crayons are many of the mediums you use to create unique handmade stitched books which can be a personal journals or a record of a particular event or holiday. Construct books from scratch with decorative and unique covers and learn how to make wonderfully rich, organic pages and decorate them with stitching, incorporate windows, flaps, found objects, material, threads, beads and embroidery to create a richly embellished book. If you have an idea for a book, bring items you may want to put in your book/journal to use as inspiration - photos, dried flowers, leaves, tickets, letters, post cards, interesting poetry or prose, or any other kind of printed memorabilia. Olympia Parks and Recreation – 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gov/experienceit Call 360.753.8380
Shelton Parks & Recreation
Invitational Salon Exhibit of Small Works Dates: Friday May 28 to Saturday July 10, 2010 - Opening reception: Friday May 28th, 6:30 to 9 pm Location: New Arts Program, 173 West Main Street, Kutztown, PA 19530-0082
"2010 Equine Art: The Horse... and a Whole Lot More" exhibit co-sponsored by Emerald Downs and WA Thoroughbred Foundation [WTF]. Preview party and reception July 7 at 7 pm at Emerald Downs. Exhibit runs from July 7th to Sunday July 11th
6x6x2010 - You Asked For It! Fundraiser - June 5 - July 11, 2010 6x6x2010 Online Gallery - Rochester Contemporary Art Center, Rochester NY
Preview Hours: June 2, 3 & 4, 1-10pm Opening Reception & Artwork Sale: June 5, 6-10pm
Purchased Artwork Pick-Up: July 11, 12, 13 & 14, 1-7 pm
Each artwork will be 6x6 inches square and signed only on the back, to be exhibited anonymously. All artworks will be for sale to the public for $20 each to benefit Rochester Contemporary Art Center. Artists' names will be revealed to the buyer only upon purchase and all artworks will remain on display for the duration of the exhibition.
"Redemption," a temporary, curated multimedia gallery running June 6-13.
Submissions need not be overtly "religious." Encarta defines redemption as "the act of saving something or somebody from a declined, dilapidated, or corrupted state and restoring it, him, or her to a better condition." Redemption transpires on many levels, spiritual and physical, from the everyday to the epic.
Sunday, June 6: 5:00-8:00 pm (Artists’ Reception)
Thursday, June 10: 5:00-8:00 pm (Capitol Hill Arts Walk/ Blitz)
Friday, June 11: 5:00-8:00 pm (Icon Painting Class from 6-8 pm) and
Sunday, June 13: 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm (Charter Day Open House)
as well as by appointment Mon.-Fri. 10 am-3 pm: call 206-285-2282 to schedule.
Capitol Hill Presbyterian, 1729 Harvard Ave., Seattle, WA 98122
Artist Exhibit Studio 229 on Broadway, Seattle WA. They are part of the Capitol Hill art walk "the Blitz". Check out their web site at www.studio229.net will hang for two months - October-November 2010
Solo Exhibit for the months of November and December Maple Leaf Lutheran Church 10005 32nd Ave. NE Seattle, WA 98125
206.524.2448 office 866-370-9413 fax www.ReachOutChurch.org
Happy Spring... at least I think its finally here!
Olympia Spring Art Walk is next weekend - April 23 & 24th. I'll be doing a Family Activity Friday night on Washington Street and my work will be displayed upstairs in the Urban Onion on Legion during Friday and Saturday.
Traditions has my original Sumi-e blank note cards for sale and Deb at State of the Arts has my Heart Collage blank cards for any time you want to express it with hearts! The Gallery Bainbridge Arts & Crafts also carries my Sumi-e note cards if you happen to travel up to Bainbridge Island.
If you travel to Shelton, check out my murals at Ah Badabing Pizza place in the old "E" building. Yummy pizza!
Here are other places to view my art or writing:
https://sites.google.com/site/ellenmiffittartist/ [specific for class info]
Pablo Picasso ... "Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
Walk in Beauty,
Ellen Miffitt
Nine Lives Studio
PO Box 11133
Olympia, WA 98508-1133
Current Exhibits
Classes and Workshops:
Introduction to Precious Metal Clay May 1 from 9:30 to 3:00pm
Wishing you Merry Christmas
A Happy New Year
Nine Lives Studio, aka Ellen Miffitt
Mitt Z wore herself out playing with the scrap yarn.
I was winding into balls for a class weaving project
Nine Lives Studio PO Box 11133, Olympia, WA 98508-1133
My website includes galleries, artist information, exhibits, classes, etc.:
For those wishing to know specifically about my classes: https://sites.google.com/site/ellenmiffittartist/
For those wishing to contact me please use my Gmail account:
Some of my older pieces of art are in an Etsy Shop:
Currently I’m putting images for t-shirts, etc on Café Press:
For Nine Lives Studio news: projects, submissions, exhibits, etc.: