Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


(posted on 1 Jul 2013)

Lots of changes on Zazzle [layout of shops & policies] - somehow I missed the notifications. I had been adding many new photos to the Photos 9 Lives Studio… so many beautiful flowers in full bloom.

Photo below - Oakleaf Hydrangea

I also added many new whimsical images to my Nine Lives Studio shop. These images were actually scanned at a very high res from my 2.5x5.5" art-o-mat blocks.

The Christmas shop has many new Christmas ornaments due to adding the many new images onto products in the other shops.

Zazzle's new layout is much simpler; the shops are all basic white with the exception of the shop banner. Last week I had to resize/redo my banners but… I think I like them better. Takes time to get used to big changes – reminds me of Garth saying, “We fear change.” It will take time to tweak my shops as far as what I can adjust. Hope to finish that shortly.
I did close the Romancing the Heart shop until I can work on new product designs especially for wedding announcements, anniversaries, etc.
Happy to say I have recent sales on Zazzle and 4 prints were purchased from my Fine Art America site.
As I was adding new images [photographs and whimsical Sumi-e] to my Zazzle shops, I also added them to Fine Art America site. NOTE: I don’t do the posters/prints products on Zazzle.
So that’s some news about my online shops…