Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


(posted on 15 Sep 2014)

Thanks to all who have purchased products with my art images on Zazzle or Fine Art America. I appreciate your support!

Remember to always check for Zazzle promotions when ordering products.

I'm back to posting new images on my Zazzle "Nine Lives Studio" store* and Fine Art America site.

My Pumpkin My Pumpkin


Octopus Toy Octopus Toy

The original Sumi-e cards have been delivered to Bainbridge Arts & Crafts on Winslow, Bainbridge Island, WA

Thanks again - keep arting,

(posted on 12 Sep 2014)

Get out your tap shoes....
Drum roll please!
Sold Dog Days of Summer, one of the Sumi-e, at The WA State Fair Fine Art Exhibit!

© 8/2014 Nine Lives Studio

maybe art sales will replace all that teaching which is very time intensive to prepare, advertise, propose, etc.


(posted on 9 Sep 2014)

resting from being soooooooooooooo sick in August - I still have a horrible cough! I was partially stuck over the last few days... seems like most of my art classes offered to start in September won't run
interesting how just making the effort to begin gets the ball rolling so silly - worry dissolves creativity.

Last night around 10pm, I started painting the background/base for the next group of mixed media. two 10"X10" and eleven 12"X12". Metal Urge display at Envirohouse are due the 29th and Shoreline Art Commission Gallery pieces are due on October 4th.... I'm making new pieces for each.

Today I made 10 Sumi-e cards.... it's a start. Card sales bring in $40+ a month but I fell by the wayside teaching so much this summer. I need them for Traditions in Oly, Bainbridge Arts & Crafts and Shoreline Gallery as well as a Gallery Boom in Tumwater and The Nearsighted Narwhal in Tacoma.
I painted these on WC paper. The card stock/envelopes I bought from JoAnne's is too light weight to glue on the Sumi-e paper; it wrinkles the card. Now Joanne's isn't selling the blank cards anymore
I used to buy cards from Paper Zone but they went out of business

I may paint some Sumi-e on Bristol too... need to find a heavier cardstock/envelope match. I did try online but, still the card stock was too lightweight. OK to run through a printer but not glue worthy!

Keep arting and don't give up!

Met Cassie over at Olympia Little Theatre today and hung my September exhibit. Thirty 10X8" are on one wall, three 16"X20" are on the wall leading into the stage area and five are on the wall near the lobby entrance. It took a little over two hours to hang. Luckily Cassie has an awesome laser level which made it so much easier! Wow, I would have been there forever trying to do it myself. She has allot of prior hanging experience and can compute very quickly spacing.

Cassie at work

finished hanging the thirty - love the staggered look. I do have to get that tacky stuff because I have plastic tabs on the back and some hang a little crooked.

here are the five 12X12" by the entrance to the theatre lobby.

and last - two of the three 16"X20" by the entrance to the audience seating/stage.

and Cassie and I received two free passes to whichever production we want during the season.

(posted on 1 Sep 2014)

made 6 mixed media on Sunday for the exhibit at Olympia Little Theatre... made quick snap shots as it was almost 1am by the time I was finished...

© 8/31/2014 NLS


© 8/31/2014 NLS


© 8/31/2014 NLS


© 8/31/2014

three 10"X8"
will name them later.

Now I have to create a piece for the next Puget Sound Sumi Artist exhibit that has to be dropped off at tomorrow's meeting.

I also have two more 20X16" pieces that I may rework by painting over the unsatisfactory prior results. This will give me addtional choices when I hang the art this week at the Olympia Little Theatre.

Keep Arting!


(posted on 1 Sep 2014)

reworked two pieces today...
happy with how this turned out


© 9/1/2014

this was the beginning as a sumi-e .... it ended up overworked and looked sub par.

Now to make a new Sumi-e.
Keep arting,

my 10"X8" mixed media will be hanging at the Olympia Little Theater during the month of September. I made them several years ago for the Tashiro Kaplan 30X30 10"X8" challenge.

The play, Blithe Spirit, by Noel Coward September 5-28, 2014

Writer and myth buster Charles Condomine invites the renowned medium, Madam Aracati, to hold a séance at his house. Imagine his surprise when the presumed charlatan actually summons the spirit of his first wife, the very clever, very beautiful, and very dead Elvira. Although only Charles can see her, she manages to cause chaos in everyone's lives. The happily remarried Charles just wants his simple life back, but to his great dismay, Elvira refuses to return to the spirit world without him!

Director: Kendra Malm A witty Comedy

7:55pm: 9/5, 9/6, 9/12, 9/13, 9/18, 9/19, 9/20, 9/25, 9/26, 9/27;
1:55pm: 9/14, 9/21, 9/28

Filling in the calendar for 2015... time is flying past. busy making proposals for winter/spring classes for Oly Parks, Arts & Rec. Contacted the sponsors of the Japanese New Year celebration that I was a vendor at last year. They may do it again and I did sell a few things that day. Annual Ethnic Celebration is held at Saint Martins but sponsored by Lacey Parks & Rec. Sounds positive to be a vendor there... she'd like to schedule me for a demo...

last day of my wild class I tried to get them to make a base relief... epic fail - here's mine

needs a few finishing touches... also we made a paper hand puppet the day before...

a little dragon by me
Almost up to par from being so sick and the summer art supplies are almost stored away for next year.
Life is good!

keep arting,

finished this 20X20" canvas for submission into Confluence Gallery - Deep Sleep

Meditating on Refuge

© 8/17/2014 Nine Lives Studio

last Friday during the 12-16 year old Collage class, I made these books. The one on the left has a simple bronze colored rattail tied through the punched holes as a binding. The cover on the left is foe an accordion book....

keep arting!

(posted on 16 Aug 2014)
The Great Critique 2014
SCBWI Western Washington will again present THE GREAT CRITIQUE on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, from 11:30 AM – 3:30 PM, at The Evergreen State College in Olympia. This popular event offers you the opportunity to experience a model critique group led by a published professional.

Participants will receive feedback from the group leader as well as from a small group of 5 or 6 of their peers. We will do our best to place you in a group with others within the same genre. This event offers writers and illustrators a chance to experience how critiques can help strengthen their work, and offers those who already participate in a critique group feedback from a fresh set of eyes and ears.
Saturday, September 13, 2014 11:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Evergreen State College (go to Red Square)
2700 Evergreen Pkwy NW, Olympia, Washington 98505
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