Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


Filling in the calendar for 2015... time is flying past. busy making proposals for winter/spring classes for Oly Parks, Arts & Rec. Contacted the sponsors of the Japanese New Year celebration that I was a vendor at last year. They may do it again and I did sell a few things that day. Annual Ethnic Celebration is held at Saint Martins but sponsored by Lacey Parks & Rec. Sounds positive to be a vendor there... she'd like to schedule me for a demo...

last day of my wild class I tried to get them to make a base relief... epic fail - here's mine

needs a few finishing touches... also we made a paper hand puppet the day before...

a little dragon by me
Almost up to par from being so sick and the summer art supplies are almost stored away for next year.
Life is good!

keep arting,