Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


(posted on 9 Sep 2014)

resting from being soooooooooooooo sick in August - I still have a horrible cough! I was partially stuck over the last few days... seems like most of my art classes offered to start in September won't run
interesting how just making the effort to begin gets the ball rolling so silly - worry dissolves creativity.

Last night around 10pm, I started painting the background/base for the next group of mixed media. two 10"X10" and eleven 12"X12". Metal Urge display at Envirohouse are due the 29th and Shoreline Art Commission Gallery pieces are due on October 4th.... I'm making new pieces for each.

Today I made 10 Sumi-e cards.... it's a start. Card sales bring in $40+ a month but I fell by the wayside teaching so much this summer. I need them for Traditions in Oly, Bainbridge Arts & Crafts and Shoreline Gallery as well as a Gallery Boom in Tumwater and The Nearsighted Narwhal in Tacoma.
I painted these on WC paper. The card stock/envelopes I bought from JoAnne's is too light weight to glue on the Sumi-e paper; it wrinkles the card. Now Joanne's isn't selling the blank cards anymore
I used to buy cards from Paper Zone but they went out of business

I may paint some Sumi-e on Bristol too... need to find a heavier cardstock/envelope match. I did try online but, still the card stock was too lightweight. OK to run through a printer but not glue worthy!

Keep arting and don't give up!