Greetings Everyone from Nine Lives Studio AKA Ellen Miffitt
Hope you are staying relatively dry during this series of storms!!! In case you’re looking for inside activities I have a list of my current exhibits.
Please consider giving the gift of an art class for the holidays…
I have listed my Winter 2010 class offerings.
Follow my art adventure, learn of art calls or how-to’s at
Traditions in Olympia; White Dove Gallery in Lakewood; Bainbridge Arts & Crafts, Bainbridge Island; Rhapsody in Bloom in Tacoma and Hansens Florist in Seattle are carrying my original Sumi-e blank note cards. Contact info at bottom of this news letter
Beside the exhibits listed below, my art work can be see at The White Dove Gallery, Lakewood; The Gallery, Bainbridge Arts and Crafts, Bainbridge Island; Mystic Mocha Café in Tacoma; Rhapsody in Bloom in Tacoma and if you’re in PA at the Box Heart Gallery, Pittsburg, PA.
I want to take this time to thank everyone for taking my classes or purchasing my work. I enjoy meeting and sharing my skills with you and I learn many new ideas from you.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Ellen Miffitt
Current Exhibits
“Miniature Art Extravaganza VI: The Holiday Show”
My art will be hung at Stylus Salon: Fri, Nov.13th- Sun, Jan.3rd 2010
Banned Book Exhibit 2009
Banned Books Exhibit, Kirkland Library, 308 Kirkland Ave., Kirkland, WA - will correct the dates when they are set up.... My book is The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier. the third annual "Banned Book Show" for the Kirkland Library. Elsa Steele, the managing librarian had an idea 3 years ago to do a show where an artist would pick a book title then alter it in some way that the title is still visible but the book is unreadable. Each title comes with research Elsa has done as to why the book has been censored or banned and the artist is invited to include their feelings about that into the finished piece.
Going Postal - 2009 Postcard Show
Dec 3-6, 2009 - a three day exhibit however the work will remain in the gallery until January 3, 2010 -- Target Gallery, Torpedo Factory Art Center, 105 N Union Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Daily 10-6 pm, Thursdays 'til 9 pm
POSSCA's Art Auction
POSSCA's Art Auction - Saturday, December 5 at the historic Lofts on Cherry Street in Olympia. Casual dress is OK. $25 per person in advance or $50 at the door. Get your tickets online or in person at Rainy Day Records, Frida or Olympia Federal Savings, downtown branch. I've been asked to donate a sumi-e to the auction held on Dec. 5th. POSSCA is a non-profit organization that makes it possible for kids, whose families don't have the resources to participate in K-12 arts programs ... 360-867-8814 P.O. Box 7615, Olympia WA 98507-7615.
Small Works Invitational - Arts West Gallery - Elon University
The Annual Small Works Invitational Exhibition , Arts West Gallery, Elon University, Elon, NC, 27244 Exhibition runs from December 8, 2009 through February 4th, 2010. The Annual Small Works Invitational is an open exhibition that celebrates small works of art from across the country. size must not exceed 100 square inches.
Big Blue Marble Exhibit/Sale Dec 12 2009
Big Blue Marble Event will be a group show of members artwork. On Saturday, December 12th at Crittercrossing and Noel's former workshop at 4004 Cooper Point Rd. NW, Olympia WA.
Show Hours: 11:00-5:00 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12th
Art for Equal Justice - Auction -Tacoma Art Museum
My piece "Bee", a Sumi-e, has been donated. Saturday December 12, 2009 Tacoma Art Museum : art auction to support equal justice programs in Pierce County. All proceeds benefit the Tacoma-Pierce County Volunteer Legal Services Program, Lawhelp, Housing Justice Project and Coordinated Family Law Project.
Winter 2010 Art Classes
Art for Adults Saturday Jan 9 thru Jan 30 for 4 weeks from 9 to noon
Intimidated by art classes? Feel convinced you have no talent, yet long to draw and paint? This class is for you. Rediscover your natural artistic instincts for color and design in a playful, non-judgmental atmosphere that combines the spontaneity of a kid's art class for grown-ups with seemingly sophisticated concepts and techniques. Activities include drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, and more! Great for beginners or seasoned artists seeking more spontaneity in their work.
Mimic the Masters [Children Grades 6 to 8]
Saturday Jan 9-30th from 12:30 to 3:00pm -
Different artist styles will be featured during each class. Students will use various media such as watercolor, pastel, or acrylic paint to mimic the artist’s style.
Zen Brush with Color Tuesday Jan 12, 19, 16, 26 & Feb 2 & 9 from 6 to 8 pm 6 weeks
First begin by practicing brush control and continue the basic stroke study by painting the “Four Gentlemen” and the “Four Seasons” in color (with a flower representing each season). Using the refined sumi-e style, students learn to paint flowers, insects, birds, and animals with simple strokes in color.
Handmade Artist's Journals Mondays, Jan 25-Feb 8 from 6 to 8 pm - Mixed Media, Watercolor - In this workshop, fabric, embroidery floss, paper, paint, gesso, inks, and crayons are many of the mediums you use to create unique handmade stitched books which can be a personal journals or a record of a particular event or holiday. Construct books from scratch with decorative and unique covers and learn how to make wonderfully rich, organic pages and decorate them with stitching, incorporate windows, flaps, found objects, material, threads, beads and embroidery to create a richly embellished book. If you have an idea for a book, bring items you may want to put in your book/journal to use as inspiration - photos, dried flowers, leaves, tickets, letters, post cards, interesting poetry or prose, or any other kind of printed memorabilia.
Valentine’s Cards - Children Ages 8-12 Saturday Feb 6 from 9 to noon
Make your own valentine cards [pop-ups, collage and some simple watercolor techniques]. Discover how simple folding, transfer, painting and collage techniques can lead to surprising and beautiful holiday greeting cards.
Candy Tin Assemblage Saturday March 13th from 9:30 to 3:30
Spend a Saturday creating tiny assemblages with metal candy tins. Learn how to create fascinating works of art using "everyday" objects and collage materials. The possibilities are infinite! Supply list available at registration.
Block Printing: Linoleum Cut Saturday Feb 27 from 9:30 to 3:30pm
material fee $15.00
Learn techniques for the relief printmaking process using the flexibility and ease of linoleum. A relief is achieved by carving into the surface using special tools to leave raised images. These images are then inked and printed without a press to create a dynamic and textured print that can have many layers and colors. Students have the option of creating a multi-block image or themed cards to exchange with students to complete an edition. Open to both teens and adults.
Centralia Community College, ) 7 600 Centralia College Blvd, Centralia WA 98531-4099
Exploring Creativity – Mondays Feb 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22 from 6 to 8pm - The Artist Way-: Creative projects inspired by The Artist's Way, a book by Julia Cameron, encourage students to tap in to their unique abilities, gain self-confidence in their skills and release unwanted blocks that are preventing them from becoming the best they can be! For artists and non-artists alike, this is an empowering and entertaining series of projects.
Handmade Paper Saturday March 6th from 9 am to 1 pm - material fee $5.00
Not only is making homemade paper a fun experience for you, but it's a good way to recycle waste into wonderful possibilities such as envelopes, greeting cards, artwork and more. Making paper is a fun way to express your creativity and homemade papers are the perfect additions to holiday greeting cards, gift tags, wrapping paper and more!" A supply list with directions for making a simple mold & deckle and press will be mailed with your registration confirmation. Centralia Community College, ) 7 600 Centralia College Blvd, Centralia WA 98531-4099
Painting with Water Soluble Colored Pencils
Tuesday March 2, 9, 16, to 23 from 6-8 pm
Want the look of watercolor and the control of colored pencil? Water-soluble colored pencils can match anything watercolor do, plus have the ability to create effects impossible with watercolor. Discover this medium's exciting versatility with techniques such as wet-on-dry, dry-on-wet, wet-on-wet, and much more! Learn about materials, tools, and techniques, and then apply this information to create a painting. Participants bring watercolor paper & watercolor pencils to class.
Ready! Set! Draw!: Drawing from the Right Side –
Thursday March 18 to April 15 from 6 to 8:30pm
Have you always wanted to draw - are looking for a way to express your creativity? This basic course in drawing will introduce the participant to a number different exercises that help you understand how an artist sees. These will include: upside down drawing; contour and gesture drawing; the value scale and blending techniques; and using a basic unit and sighting. Suggested reading The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards. Bring a soft pencil (4B is good), an eraser and a sketch pad no smaller than 8 x 11 to class.
Painting with Water Soluble Colored Pencils Tuesday March 20 from 9:30-3:30 pm
Want the look of watercolor and the control of colored pencil? Water-soluble colored pencils can match anything watercolor do, plus have the ability to create effects impossible with watercolor. Discover this medium's exciting versatility with techniques such as wet-on-dry, dry-on-wet, wet-on-wet, and much more! Learn about materials, tools, and techniques, and then apply this information to create a painting. Participants bring watercolor paper & watercolor pencils to class. Auburn Parks & Recreation 2840 Riverwalk Dr Se, Auburn, WA98002 (253) 931-3907
Collage: Exploring the Written Word through Art
Monday March 29 to April 26from 6 to 8 pm [material fee - $5.00]
In this workshop, participants will create a series of five small collages, each with a Muse/Guide as the focal point. Creative people visually benefit from stretching their ‘writing legs.’ Likewise, for writers to confront visual material enhances their own process. After the completion of each collage, a short paragraph based on a writing prompt/exercise will be completed that ties into the particular piece of artwork like “Is this Muse/Guide trying to tell you something?”
Block Printing: Linoleum Cut
Tuesday April 6 -27 from 6 to 8 pm material fee $15.00
Learn techniques for the relief printmaking process using the flexibility and ease of linoleum. A relief is achieved by carving into the surface using special tools to leave raised images. These images are then inked and printed without a press to create a dynamic and textured print that can have many layers and colors. Students have the option of creating a multi-block image or themed cards to exchange with students to complete an edition. Open to both teens and adults.
Contact Info for retail or galleries:
Box Heart Expressions - [Mini Collages]
4523 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15224
Phone 412-687-8858
Hansen's Georgetown Florist - [Sumi-e note cards]
5963 4th Ave S
Seattle, WA 98108
Hansen's Fremont Florist [Sumi-e note cards]
4252 Fremont Ave N
Seattle WA, 98103
Mystic Mocha Café Exhibit, 402 E 26th Street, Tacoma, WA [mini collages]
Open seven days a week, Monday-Friday 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
Saturday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Sunday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call (253) 272-2421.
Rhapsody in Bloom Florist & Cafe Latte [Sumi-e, mini collages & note cards]
3709 6th Ave, Tacoma, WA 98406 (253) 761-7673
Shop the Frontier - A non-profit rural marketplace [online store - art]
The Gallery – Bainbridge Arts & Crafts [Sumi-e note cards, mini collages]
151 Winslow Way East, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Phone: 206-842-3132
Traditions Café and World Folk Art [sumi-e note cards]
300 5th Avenue SW, Olympia, WA 9850 Phone: 360-705-2819
White Dove Gallery
5934 88th Street SW, Lakewood, WA 98499-2905 Phone: 253-582-7859
Greetings everyone -
Hoping your summer was wonderful... I want to thank you for participating in past classes. TESC no longer is offering Extended Ed classes so the majority of my class offerings are through Olympia Parks & Recreation.
Please note I will doing an all day collage demo with other artists at the Fine Arts Exhibit at the Puyallup Fair on Saturday Sept 12th. Hope to see you there...
Adult Fall Classes
Introduction to Basic Enameling Monday Sept. 14, 21 & 28 Oct 5 [Four 2.5 hour classes - 6 to 8:30] Class material fee $25 Included in the Class fee $76.00
The art of creating with enamel on metal is a well-documented art form. Participants will learn basic enameling procedure and simple techniques such as stenciling, sgraffito, overglazes & underglazes on copper. No prior metalwork experience necessary.
Olympia Parks and Recreation – 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98
Introduction to Sumi-e – Fall Themes Tuesday Sept 8, 15, 22, 29, & Oct 6 from 6 to 8:30 pm [five 2.5 hour classes] - Material fee $3.00 included in the class fee $75.00
Instructor Ellen Miffitt will introduce you to the four treasures: ink stick, ink stone, brush and paper. The simplicity and spontaneity of brush painting begins by learning to hold the brush, making the basic strokes, and loading the brush to create tones and depth. The goal is to break away from logical thinking and to be spontaneous in expressing with the brush.
“You-Don’t-Need-To-Know-A-Thing” Collage Wednesday Sept 30, October 7, 14, 21, 28 and Nov 4 from 6 to 8 pm [5 two hours classes] [material fee $5.00]
Collage offers versatility and flexibility. Free your creative spirit with this fast-paced, upbeat “You-Don’t-Need-To-Know-A-Thing” Introduction to Collage. Come prepared to learn the basics of collage, materials, and techniques in a supportive environment. Emphasizing fun - catch the spontaneity of a child: finding objects, bits & pieces in the most unlikely places and putting a puzzle together
Painting with Water Soluble Colored Pencils Class 4 classes - Thursdays Oct 1 -22nd 5:30 to 7:30pm
Shelton Parks & Recreation - Shelton Civic Center, 525 West Cota Street, Shelton, WA 98584 - 360-426-9731
Painting with Water Soluble Colored Pencils Monday Oct 19, 26 & Nov 2, & 9 from 6-8 pm [4 two hour classes] - Material fee $3.00 Included in the Class fee of $45
Want the look of watercolor and the control of colored pencil? Water-soluble colored pencils can match anything watercolor do, plus have the ability to create effects impossible with watercolor. Discover this medium's exciting versatility with techniques such as wet-on-dry, dry-on-wet, wet-on-wet, and much more! Learn about materials, tools, and techniques, and then apply this information to create one-of-a-kind cards as well as art.
Handmade Paper for Embellishing Holiday Projects Saturday October 17 from 9 am to 1 pm - $ 5.00 material fee included in the class fee
Not only is making homemade paper a fun experience for you, but it's a good way to recycle waste into wonderful possibilities such as envelopes, greeting cards, artwork and more. Making paper is a fun way to express your creativity and homemade papers are the perfect additions to holiday greeting cards, gift tags, wrapping paper and more!" A supply list with directions for making a simple mold & deckle and press will be mailed with your registration confirmation. Centralia Community College, ) 7 600 Centralia College Blvd, Centralia WA 98531-4099
Block Printing Linoleum Cut Oct 10 from 9:30 to 3:30 $10 material fee - 8 min 12 max
- Learn techniques for the relief printmaking process using the flexibility and ease of linoleum. A relief is achieved by carving into the surface using special tools to leave raised images. These images are then inked and printed without a press to create a dynamic and textured print that can have many layers and colors. Students have the option of creating a multi-block image or themed cards to exchange with students to complete an edition.
Centralia Community College, ) 7 600 Centralia College Blvd, Centralia WA 98531-4099
Handmade Paper for Embellishing Holiday Projects Saturday October 24 from 9 am to 1 pm - $ 5.00 material fee included in the class fee of $33
Not only is making homemade paper a fun experience for you, but it's a good way to recycle waste into wonderful possibilities such as envelopes, greeting cards, artwork and more. Making paper is a fun way to express your creativity and homemade papers are the perfect additions to holiday greeting cards, gift tags, wrapping paper and more!" A supply list with directions for making a simple mold & deckle and press will be mailed with your registration confirmation.
Holiday Art Cards - block printing material fee $10 - 3 classes Thursdays Nov 5th thru 19th 5:30 to 7:30
Shelton Parks & Recreation - Shelton Civic Center, 525 West Cota Street, Shelton, WA 98584 - 360-426-9731
Holiday Art Cards - Block Printing: Linoleum Cut - Saturday November 7 from 9 am to 3 pm - Material fee $10.00 is included in the class fee of $39.00
Learn techniques for the relief printmaking process using the flexibility and ease of linoleum. A relief is achieved by carving into the surface using special tools to leave raised images. These images are then inked and printed without a press to create a dynamic and textured print that can have many layers and colors. Students have the option of creating a multi-block image or themed cards to exchange with students to complete an edition. Open to both teens and adults.
Enamel Projects for Holiday Gifts Saturday Nov 14 from 9 to 4 pm – Material fee $20.00 is included in the $54 class fee
The art of creating with enamel on metal is a well-documented art form. Participants will learn basic enameling procedure and simple techniques such as stenciling, sgraffito, overglazes & underglazes on copper to create holiday pendants or pins. No prior metalwork experience necessary.
Precious Metal Clay Saturday Nov 21 from 9 am to 4 pm - material fee $30.00 for 16 g is included in the class fee of $69
Just in time for the holidays - Precious Metal Clay, fine silver in clay form, is used to create unique jewelry pieces in a short amount of time and then is simply fired in a kiln. Before working directly with the PMC, modeling clay will be used to explore the basic forming techniques. After you have gained the basic skills needed to work with Precious Metal Clay, the creative possibilities are endless.
Enamel Projects for Holiday Gifts Dec 12th 9:30 to 3:30pm call for more information - Auburn Parks & Recreation 2840 Riverwalk Dr Se, Auburn, WA98002 (253) 931-3907
Fall Children’s’ Classes
Draw Your Own Comic Book Ages 8-12 September 19, 26, Oct 3from 9:30 to noon - class fee $39 - no material fee
Have you been wondering if you could come up with your own super characters or silly family? Join this class to draw, doodle, and have oodles of creative fun. Learn how develop your ideas into a story line which then is translated into character studies for your comic strip. Get the ideas out of your head and into reality through basic drawing, sequencing, writing, production, and character development techniques. Students bring drawing pad, pencils and erasers.
Art Sampler for Ages 8-12 September 19, 26, Oct 3 from 12:30 to 3:00pm - material fee $10 is included in the class fee of $49.00
Through the use of paint, pastels, watercolors and other materials explore nature from Aardvarks to Zebras and beyond. Students will be guided through a step-by-step drawing and painting techniques that include subject development using basic shapes, shading, blending, and the development of an environment/background.
Holiday Cards - Ages 8-12 Saturday Dec 5 from 9 to noon - material fee $10 is included in the class fee of $29.00
Make your own holiday greeting cards [pop-ups, collage and some simple watercolor techniques]. Discover how simple folding, transfer, painting and collage techniques can lead to surprising and beautiful holiday greeting cards.

Wishing you happiness, harmony, health, and hope
this holiday season and throughout the New Year.
Ellen Miffitt
Nine Lives Studio
PO Box 11133
Olympia, WA
For those wishing to know more about my classes or exhibits please check:
For those wishing to contact me please use my new Gmail account:
For those wanting news about what’s happening at Nine Lives Studio:
Please consider giving the gift of creativity to family and friends. The following list of classes are available at various venues in the South Sound area. Keep minds active, meet new friends and share ideas in an encouraging environment.
Ellen Miffitt -
1/7 -2/11- Recycled Collage
SPSCC Community Ed 6:00PM-8:30PM Wed
1/ 8-2/12 - Art for Adults Thurs 6-8pm
TESC Extended Education
1/10 and 1/17 Exploring Creativity
Saturday from 9:30 to 3:30 pm
Olympia Parks and Recreation
1/13 –2/17 Art for Adults –
Tuesday from 6 to 8 room 103
Olympia Parks and Recreation
1/24 - Block Printing: Linoleum Cut
Sat. from 10-4pm
TCC Continuing ED [253] 566-6031
1/31 Intro to WC Pencil
Saturday from 10 to 4 pm
Auburn Parks & Recreation (253) 931-3907
2/7 Collage
Saturday from 10 to 4 pm
Auburn Parks & Recreation (253) 931-3907
2/19-3/19 - Collage .
Thursday from 6-8 pm
TESC Education Program
2/21- Block Printing: Linoleum Cut
Saturday from 9:30 to 3:30 pm
Olympia Parks and Recreation
2/28 - Painting with Water Soluble Colored Pencils
Sat. from 10-4pm
TCC Continuing Ed [253] 566-6031
3/2-3/30 - Zen Brush with Color
Monday March 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 from 6 to 8 pm
Olympia Parks and Recreation
3/3 to 24 Painting with Water Soluble Colored Pencils
Tuesday from 6-8 pm
Olympia Parks and Recreation
3/14 Collage: Exploring the Written Word through Art
Saturday 9:30 to 3:30 pm
Olympia Parks and Recreation
4/6-27 -Introduction to Basic Enameling
Monday from 6 to 8:30
Olympia Parks and Recreation
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