Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


(posted on 25 Nov 2010)

Holiday Greetings to One and All

Hope this note finds you in good health and well being…

These first few storms have been wilder than usual and I hope you weathered them safely.

Holiday Exhibits:

"Emergence" has been selected to be part of the “Nativity” Exhibit for Gallery at Capitol Hill Presbyterian. The gallery will be open Sunday, November 28th: 5:00-8:00 pm (Artists’ Reception) -- Saturday, December 4th: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm (Community ArtsFest – workshops, benefit auction, cake walk and other activities for all ages) -- Thursday, December 9th: 5:00-8:00 pm (Capitol Hill Arts Walk/ Blitz) -- Friday, December 24th: 6:00 pm (Christmas Eve Service) as well as by appointment Mon.-Fri. 10 am-2 pm: call 206-285-2282 to schedule a visit.

Art Door auction fundraiser to support Tacoma Art Place Date: Thursday Dec. 2nd. Location: Speakeasy Arts Cooperative, 746 Broadway St.,Tacoma, WA 98402

Neo-Kitsch: national small works showcase exhibition at ArtsWest. Exhibiting two mini sumi-e cats images. The dates of the exhibition are December 5 – 24, 2010. Please join us at the opening reception on December 9 from 6 – 7:30pm. ArtsWest Playhouse and Gallery, 4711 California Ave SW. Seattle, WA 98116 206.938.0963 x 115

ART for EQUAL JUSTICE 12.11.10 - I'll be donating several pieces of Sumi-e for this fundraiser that will be held at the Tacoma Art Museum on Saturday, December 11, 2010 - A gala (black tie optional) evening and art auction to support equal justice programs in Pierce County providing access to justice for low-income people facing civil legal issues. See for more information

Holiday Cards

Physically my Sumi-e regular or holiday cards and block print cards may be seen at Traditions, 300 5th Avenue SW, Olympia or at Bainbridge Arts & Crafts on 151 Winslow Way East, Bainbridge Island and at The Gallery at Towne Centre 17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park, WA.

Other items with my art images

I have opened a small “store” on CafePress

and larger one on Zazzle.

Products include cards, apparel, mugs, calendars…

Give the gift of creativity - classes make great gifts for the holiday.

Winter Classes

Senior Services for South Sound Arcylic Class - register January 12, 13 & 14th - Friday January 21 - 9 weeks - 2 hour - Friday 1:30 to 3:30 pm $30 fee paid to instructor, material list available upon registering - contact Chris Quimby @ 586-6181 ext 123 or

222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501

Children's Book Illustration

Tuesday Jan 4 – Feb 22 from 6 to 8pm – 8 classes

Enroll in this information packed class and become acquainted with the concepts of design, storyboarding and dummy construction of a children's picture book. At first the participants will work to illustrate popular fairytales, folktales, fables and legends from around the world. Discussion with a simple critique checklist will improve storyline, characters, setting and dialogues. Class time and handouts provide students with the basic tools to continue working on projects at home. For the first class, please bring pencils and a medium sized drawing pad additional materials and supplies will be discussed in class.

Olympia Parks and Recreation 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380

Make Prints, Make Books

Wed Jan 5 – Feb 23 from 6 to 8 pm – 8 classes This hands-on class will focus on combining simple book structures and beginning printmaking techniques to make small edition arts books. Easy to learn bookmaking such as the Japanese stab binding stitch book will lead students to understand the formal qualities of the book. Simple printing processes like linoleum cut and monoprint will be covered for students to learn how to combine text with image.

Olympia Parks and Recreation 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380

Draw into Print Mon, Jan 24-Feb 7, 6-8pm - 3 classes This class will focus primarily on incorporating the drawn line into your prints and mixed media work. An intriguing hybrid among printmaking techniques, monoprints and collagraphs are a unique combination of two processes, monoprints are drawing, painting and printing, while collagraphs involve the combination of collage and printing. Techniques taught can be used to enhance mixed media art.

Olympia Parks and Recreation 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380

Painting What You Love

Monday Feb 28- April 18 from 6 to 8 pm- 8 weeks

This course is an instructional class for beginning in acrylic paint that will cover the essential elements of competent drawing skills, good composition, accurate values, exciting color harmonies and expressive textures. A course outline and materials list will be mailed upon registration. Participants provide their materials

Olympia Parks and Recreation 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380

Finger Painting on the Moon

Tue March 1 – April 19th from 6 to 8 pm – 8 classes

Jump start your creative side! Awaken the muse within no matter how dormant you may feel your muse is. With activities designed to lead you gently into a creative space, everyone will enjoy this adventure. We will work with a variety of drawing materials and explore how to develop our personal voice. Students will practice ways to overcome the fear of the blank page and find ways to start a series or develop a theme. This will be a mixed media extravaganza full of tips and prompts for a creative soul. A great way to test the water if you are just beginning or for the experienced artist to go deeper. Supply list available upon registration.

Olympia Parks and Recreation 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380

Painting with Water Soluble Colored Pencils

Wed March 2 – April 20th from 6 to 8pm – 8 classes

Want the look of watercolor and the control of colored pencil? Water-soluble colored pencils can match anything watercolor do, plus have the ability to create effects impossible with watercolor. Discover this medium's exciting versatility. Learn about materials, tools, and techniques, and then apply this information to create a painting. Participants bring watercolor paper & watercolor pencils to class.

Olympia Parks and Recreation 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380

Saturday Classes

Resolution Collage in a Container

Saturday Jan 8 from 9:30-3:30pm bring a lunch

Start the New Year by visualizing your desires and goals into permanence, In this workshop, we will create a work of art around and inside a container or box using a variety of intriguing techniques. Many of us have collections of ephemera in the form of old photographs, postcards, buttons, twine and found objects from everyday life to use to collage the box. After transforming it into a work of art, students will create an altered paper doll as resident. For the Beginner to Experienced Student.

Olympia Parks and Recreation 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380

Studio Notecards

Saturday Jan 22 from 9:30 to 3:30pm bring a bag lunch
Collage embellishment fun filled fiber art notecard workshop. Explore various techniques, such as fused collage, couching, reverse applique, and
materials such as watercolor pencils, acrylic paints, and more for creating these 5" x 7" sensations.

Olympia Parks and Recreation 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380

Watercolor: Textures and Techniques

Supply list upon registration Sat. Feb 5 from 9:30 to 3:30pm material In this workshop you will try 15-20 techniques for achieving textures and special effects in your watercolors. You will employ colored pencils in the wash, ink line,

markers, salt, wax paper, crayon, and other materials with the washes, both while wet and when dry. The morning will be spent exploring these materials and in the afternoon you will complete a work combining 5 or 6 different techniques. Some painting experience required.

Olympia Parks and Recreation 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380

Introduction to Mandalas Sat. Feb 12 from 9:30 to 3:30pm

The word “mandala” is a Sanskrit word that is over 2300 years old translated as “circle” or “sacred center”. Circular patterns have been used throughout time in many cultures, including the Tibetan and Native American, as tools for centering and healing. In this workshop we explore the history of mandala patterns and create our own personal mandala, using oil pastel, colored pencil and collage. Using principles of geometry and symmetry present in nature, along with your own personal creativity, you will come away with new knowledge of yourself. This should be a time to let go, to play with color and design, and to have fun.

Olympia Parks and Recreation 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380

Clipboard Assemblage Art – Sat Feb 26 from 9:30 to 3:30pm

Create a unique clipboard assemblage using your favorite collage items, paints and mementos. Learn how to manipulate various media including acrylics, fabric, paper, text and wire. You may even dedicate your piece to a meaningful person, event or place in your life. This will be a journey you won’t forget! Supply list available at registration. Note students please bring clipboard or other surface for a base.

Olympia Parks and Recreation 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380

Art of Handmade Paper

Sat March 26 from 9:00 to noon

Not only is making homemade paper a fun experience for you, but it's a good way to recycle waste into wonderful possibilities such as greeting cards, artwork, decoration for envelopes and more. Making paper is a fun way to express your creativity. A supply list with directions for making a simple mold & deckle in class will be mailed with your registration confirmation.

Olympia Parks and Recreation 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380

Block Printing: Linoleum Cut

Saturday April 9 from 9:30 to 3:30pm Learn techniques for the relief printmaking process using the flexibility and ease of linoleum. A relief is achieved by carving into the surface using special tools to leave raised images. These images are then inked and printed without a press to create a dynamic and textured print that can have many layers and colors. Students have the option of creating a multi-block image or themed cards to exchange with students to complete an edition. Open to both teens and adults.

Olympia Parks and Recreation 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia WA 98501 www.olympiawa.gove/experienceit Call 360.753.8380

Auburn List

Auburn Parks & Recreation 2840 Riverwalk Dr Se, Auburn, WA 98002 (253) 931-3907

Resolution Collage in a Container

Saturday Jan 15 from 9:30-3:30pm bring a lunch - material fee $3

Start the New Year by visualizing your desires and goals into permanence, In this workshop, we will create a work of art around and inside a container or box using a variety of intriguing techniques. Many of us have collections of ephemera in the form of old photographs, postcards, buttons, twine and found objects from everyday life to use to collage the box. After transforming it into a work of art, students will create an altered paper doll as resident. For the Beginner to Experienced Student.

Make Prints, Make Books

Sat. Feb 19 from 9:30-3:30 pm – $7.00 material fee - bring a lunch

This hands-on class will focus on combining simple book structures and beginning printmaking techniques to make small edition arts books. Easy to learn bookmaking such as the Japanese stab binding stitch book will lead students to understand the formal qualities of the book. Simple printing processes like linoleum cut and monoprint will be covered for students to learn how to combine text with image.

Painting with Water Soluble Colored Pencils

Please note – this date will have to be changed – I goofed and have a class scheduled for Oly P, A & R … first time I ever did this!

Sat March 26 from 9:30 to 3:30pm Bring a lunch

Want the look of watercolor and the control of colored pencil? Water-soluble colored pencils can match anything watercolor do, plus have the ability to create effects impossible with watercolor. Discover this medium's exciting versatility. Learn about materials, tools, and techniques, and then apply this information to create a painting. Participants bring watercolor paper & watercolor pencils to class.

Block Printing: Linoleum Cut

Saturday April 16 from 9:30 to 3:30pm Material fee $10 bring a lunch

Learn techniques for the relief printmaking process using the flexibility and ease of linoleum. A relief is achieved by carving into the surface using special tools to leave raised images. These images are then inked and printed without a press to create a dynamic and textured print that can have many layers and colors. Students have the option of creating a multi-block image or themed cards to exchange with students to complete an edition. Open to both teens and adults.

Watercolor: Textures and Techniques

Sat. May 7 from 9:30 to 3:30pm – bring watercolor paper, brushes, watercolors [dry or tube], water dishes and a bag lunch - Some painting experience required.

In this workshop you will try 15-20 techniques for achieving textures and special effects in your watercolors. You will employ colored pencils in the wash, ink line,

markers, salt, wax paper, crayon, and other materials with the washes, both while wet and when dry. The morning will be spent exploring these materials and in the afternoon you will complete a work combining 5 or 6 different techniques.

“You-Don’t-Need-To-Know-A-Thing” Collage

Sat. June 4 from 9:30 to 3:30pm $5.00 material fee - bring a lunch

Collage offers versatility and flexibility. Free your creative spirit with this fast-paced, upbeat “You-Don’t-Need-To-Know-A-Thing” Introduction to Collage. Come prepared to learn the basics of collage, materials, and techniques in a supportive environment. Emphasizing fun - catch the spontaneity of a child: finding objects, bits & pieces in the most unlikely places and putting a puzzle together.

Introduction to Sumi-e

Sat. August 20 from 9:30 to 3:30pm $4.00 material fee - bring a lunch

Instructor Ellen Miffitt will introduce you to the four treasures: ink stick, ink stone, brush and paper. The simplicity and spontaneity of brush painting begins by learning to hold the brush, making the basic strokes, and loading the brush to create tones and depth. The goal is to break away from logical thinking and to be spontaneous in expressing with the brush.

Centralia Community College, ) 7 600 Centralia College Blvd, Centralia WA 98531-4099 Phone: (360) 736-9391 Toll-free from Olympia: 753-3433 36-9391

Make Prints, Make Books

Sat. Jan 29 from 9:30-3:30 pm – $7.00 material fee - bring a lunch

This hands-on class will focus on combining simple book structures and beginning printmaking techniques to make small edition arts books. Easy to learn bookmaking such as the Japanese stab binding stitch book will lead students to understand the formal qualities of the book. Simple printing processes like linoleum cut and monoprint will be covered for students to learn how to combine text with image.

Painting with Water Soluble Colored Pencils

Sat March 19 from 9:30 to 3:30pm –no material fee – bring a lunch, watercolor pencils and pad of smooth watercolor paper 90 to 140 lb and a small brush or two.

Want the look of watercolor and the control of colored pencil? Water-soluble colored pencils can match anything watercolor do, plus have the ability to create effects impossible with watercolor. Discover this medium's exciting versatility. Learn about materials, tools, and techniques, and then apply this information to create a painting. Participants bring watercolor paper & watercolor pencils to class.

Wishing you the best Holiday ever!

Ellen Miffitt

Nine Lives Studio

PO Box 11133

Olympia, WA 98508-1133 [specific for class info]