Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


the Hands on Children's Museum... has asked me to be a judge for their Sand in the City sand sculpture contest. I did it last year and it was a blast plus I was given tickets to the Soiree ... dropped off my donations [two PMC pendants and a mini collage] .....

Friday, August 26: 10 am - 4 pm (FREE!) Team Sand Sculpting Competition

6 pm - 7:30 pm Seaside Soirées - (pre-registration required - 21 & over

7 pm - 11 pm Sand Blast! Waterfront Gala –

Current Exhibits

Whimsical Sumi-e

Met Vets Solo Exhibit July- September 2011

Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital, 401 Fawcett Avenue, Suite 100, Tacoma, WA 98402



This show highlights the circle as an organizing principle found in artworks that are both realistic and abstract. Show Dates: June 16 – Oct. 17, 2011 Site location: University House Wallingford, 4400 Stone Way N, Seattle Charlotte Beall curator

“V" LAW's 5th Anniversary! Juried Group

Lowell Art Works Five-Year Anniversary Celebration! August 2006 - August 2011

Opening Reception:Saturday,August 20th, 4-9 PM

Show Dates: August 20th -October 8th, 2011

Lowell Art Works, 5205 S. 2nd Ave., Everett, WA 98203

Up-Coming Exhibits

2011 Soirée at the Schmidt Auction – donated “Lazy Swipe” Sumi-e for this fundraiser.

Saturday, September 10th at the Schmidt Mansion in Tumwater, WA.

Alexis Sarah Marketing and Fundraising Intern Garden-Raised Bounty(GRuB)

2016 Elliott Ave NW; Olympia, WA 98502 Phone: 360-753-5522 / Fax: 754-1244

Olympia Fall Art Walk – I’ll be showing at two venues

Friday Oct 7th from 5-10pm and Saturday Oct 8th from 11am-4pm

Arts Walk at City Hall

Urban Onion Restaurant, 116 Legion Way,

September 9th - Functional/Dysfunctional - functional art AND/OR art

about functionality or functional/dysfunctional relationships/things

Avanti Art & Design - 7317 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103 Hours: Tues-Fri 11-6 and Sat 11-4

25th Anniversary Puget Sound Sumi Artists - Handforth Gallery

Handforth Gallery, Tacoma Public Library - Sept 10-Oct 21 Location: 1102 South Tacoma Ave, Tacoma Hours: Mon-Thurs from 9 to 9 and Fri-Sat from 9 to 5 Reception: Saturday Sept 10 from 1 to 3pm

25th Anniversary Puget Sound Sumi Artists - University of WA Reference Library

Second exhibit celebrating 25th Aniversary of the Puget Sound Sumi Artists from Sept 16 - Dec 30, 2011 location: Reference Library U of WA, 1900 S Commerce/S 19th and S Pacific Ave, Tacoma Hours: Monday-Sunday from 9 -5pm No Reception

Signed up for making a piece of Quilt Project memorabilia for auction.

Who: Artists, Crafty Types and Celebrities in Portland and especially beyond.
What: Make a piece of 12x12 inch wall art
When: By October 7, 2011.
Where: Pieces will be auctioned online and/or in locations around Portland, Oregon.
Why: Help Create Plenty raise money for the Spring 2012 International Plastic Quilt Project-in-the-schools programming and expand the projects reach beyond Oregon!
We're excited to work with you this Fall! Please click here to get started!

BAC Gallery in Bainbridge Is WA

Was asked to donate to their October Crab Fest fundraiser...

Poetry Reading at Fort Nisqually Oct 15th at 2pm

On Saturday, July 16, I participated in a workshop titled Place and Persona facilitated by Tacoma Poet Laureate – Josie Emmons Tuner. The free workshop examined the writing of poetry from the viewpoint of an imaginary person. Participants explored Fort Nisqually [which is within Point Defiance Park] and the surrounding area of the park… then wrote and shared draft poems. Oct 15th starting at 2pm, participating poets from that workshop will read their work in the Great Room.

30 Days of Creativity: October 1st - October 30th - artists create thirty 8"X10" pieces of work in thirty days. V.I.P. Preview Night: November 30th and Public Sales Event: Thursday December 1st - Exhibition Sale Event at the Tashiro-Kaplan Artist Lofts in Seattle.

Enso Center's Family Art Exhibit 2011 - November 4th-6th at

Enso Center for International Arts, R8708 196th Ave NE Redmond, WA 98053

A reception for all artists and their family and friends will be held Friday, November 4th from 7:00-9:30 pm.

Flow art gallery and studio Holiday Exhibit 3rd Thursday Art Walk Nov 17th from 5:00-8:00 pm. Exhibit ends on Dec 15th. Location: 301 A Puyallup Ave. in Tacoma’s Dome District. Owner: Andrea Erickson

Waiting to hear from the jury for the Friends of the Library &POSSCA Art Sale

Nov 19th and 20th at the Armory on Legion…

EE-I-EE-I-ho ho ho Exhibit: farm based them for the holidays

Bainbridge Arts and Crafts Gallery in Bainbridge Is ,WA

I’ll have 3-5 pieces as part of this group exhibit in December...

I plan to enter these exhibits:

Avanti Art & Design - 7317 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103 Hours: Tues-Fri 11-6 and Sat 11-4

October 14th - Masquerade - create works about masks, alternate

personas, or what is hidden/what is outwardly shown. masks/costumes

not required, but most definitely encouraged.

November 11th - 7 Deadly Sins. works about: pride/vanity, envy,

gluttony, lust, wrath/anger, greed, or sloth.

December 9th - Annual Art/Gift Extravaganza! Eclectic $200 and under

show - Artist's choice of medium, but all work is to be priced at $200

or under. This is the PERFECT show to include any artist's

prints/small pieces that can be bought & taken for holiday gifts!

Nov 10 - Dec 10, 2011 Opening Nov 10 6-9pm Closing reception Dec 10, 6-9 pm

OPEN ART CALL FOR PACIFIC NORTHWEST EXHIBITION "A BOOK ABOUT DEATH" at the Almendra Sandoval Quetzalcoatl Feathersnake Gallery, Seattle Washington, USA .

3209 Beacon Ave S Seattle, Washington 98144 USA
In the spirit of the NYC exhibition, artists are asked to create a "page" for the unbound book about death. The art exhibited in Seattle will be archived in the permanent gallery collection. The art will be available for future exhibition opportunities to share the Seattle pages from the global unbound book about death.

Started to work on my Sketchbook Project: 2012 picked the theme: Writing on the Wall INFO:$25 dollars for the "sketchbook", turn it back in by Feb 2012 - has a great tour of cities. Each participant receives a blank sketchbook that will be exhibited on the 2012 tour and cataloged permanently in the Brooklyn Art Library.

Sign up to join the 2012 Sketchbook Project or for info contact Art House Co-op