Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


(posted on 6 Aug 2013)

dropped off my 6 pieces at the WA State Fair this morning. Takes about two weeks to judge/respond.

working on my entry for Redux [finally] started around 9 tonight & stopped at 10:30, not bad for an hour and a half - will post the how-to/steps later.

worked a little on this tree as well... hard to photo at night. the flash always whites out the iridescent paint.

Have to wait for daylight to see if I like how the tree top looks. I started this last Friday during the Fundamentals of Acrylic class. When the paint was still tacky, I scraped into the layesr to leave an embossed design.

Sold another product on Zazzle from my photo shop - postage stamps with my orange tiger kitten photo.

tomorrow's goal - finish redux and the tree, 50 art-o-matmini Sumi-e paintings, new Sumi-e cards and printing some blocks for new blank note cards.
Shoreline Art Commission [The Gallery at Town Center 18560 1st Ave NE Shoreline WA 98155] asked for more Sumi-e and block print cards and I need to restock Traditions in Olympia.

That's it for me today...