Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


(posted on 10 Jun 2014)

Nearsighted Narwhal:

Besides dropping off more blank note cards with original block prints or computer printed Sumi-e from my original paintings today, I left ten of my mini collages from last year’s Avanti Art & Design 30X30 Challenge Exhibit.

Workshop call:

The Nearsighted Narwhal is an indie bookstore devoted entirely to the books, zines, and comics of self-publishers and small presses. We also carry original art and prints, local music, and handmade goods. Our mission is to establish ourselves as a self-publishing community center where you can not only come to learn new things but to also have a place devoted to helping you sell your goods and connecting the readers with the writers.

set up the following workshops:

July 12th Block Printing

July 26th Travel Journal Sketching with watercolor pencils

August 16th Make Art, Make Books

August 30th Finger Painting on the Moon

Sept 20th Fall Equinox Mandala

Oct 18th - Halloween something or other ^..^

Nov 15th Festivus Block Print card design

Dec 13th - Winter Solstice Mandala


The Nearsighted Narwhal, 2610A 6th Ave, Tacoma WA