Last weekend in July I had the pleasure of taking two jewelry workshops at Tacoma Metal Arts on 6th Ave...
great workshops... soldering tips & tricks was on Saturday, July 27th. These aren't cleaned up yet.
a few have excess solder – my college jewelry teacher would have my head on a platter for such sloppy work.
4 have brass shapes and one is brass with copper on top but when you put them in the acid to take off the fire scale the brass gets coated in copper... three have PMC [Precious Metal Clay] pieces on them.
On Sunday, July 28th - I learned to set Cubic zirconia in a tube setting.
OK... again - please don't laugh at the solder all over the place. Obviously I need to get my skills back - plus the pieces will look better when cleaned and polished.
I was able to make 4 tube settings. Didn't get a chance to do the setting where you drill into the metal - then the stone fits flush but it's OK.
The square or round tubing will allow my rolled leather to slide into place for the necklace.