Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


(posted on 1 May 2014)

Starting to work on some images for this uncoming submission:

Exhibition: flo·ra·bun·da: Flowering freely in a profusion of botanic abundance. This exhibition will present abstract and representational depictions of flora that elicits a sense of fertility, growth, sustenance, and resilience, a feast for the eyes and nourishes the soul.

Location: Ida Culver House Broadview, 12505 Greenwood Ave. N, Seattle

Deadline: May 17, 2014

Threw water color on some scrap WC paper last night.... sprinkled salt too.
Plan to do some pen/ink and WC Pencil on them...

This is an example that I made in my Zen Ink class with the same technique.

Floral 2013

Keep Arting...
