My Special Effects Watercolor class meets onTuesday October 7th to the 28th from 6 to 8pm. During the first class I went over and showed samples of all kinds of techniques: resist [wax, frisket, tape]. use of syran wrap & wax paper, scraping, sgraffito, etc... and the participants made samples on their paper & extra notes on their handouts.
Mushrooms 10/7/2014
I've painting several samples of this image which was from a photograph I made back in New Hampshire. These is the best rendition. I masked the mushrooms with frisket and then dropped fall colors for the background and covered with syran wrap. When that was dry, I removed the syran wrap and painted the branch. I torn pieces of waxed paper to cover the moist brush strokes. After that dried, I took the frisket off and painted them and added color to other areas. Last I went in with watercolor pencils [Inktense] and made leaf shapes out of the dropped in colors.
Before the Snow 10/14/2014
In this painting, I used Elmer's Glue as a resist on the tree and grass shapes in foreground. I next did washes for sky and middleground. I used chalk on the distant mountains and wax paper on the wash. Lastly, I went back in and worked the tree. The glue tends to dissolve with the repeat washes.
Winter Field Oak 10/14/2014
Bubble solution with acrylic ink is used to blow a series of bubbles for the sky. Then I dropped a puddle of ink on the paper. Using a straw, I blew the ink up into a tree/branch shape. I did add a little extra color and a few extra branch tips. There is some white chalk on the tree branches as snow.
This week, I used the bubble ink for a moon, sprinkled salt on it. That didn't do much so I put a yellow wash and a circle of wax paper on it.
Autum Full Moon 10/21/2014
Then I used fairly thick instant coffee for the tree... made a puddle of coffee and used a straw to blow the fluid up into tree shapes. Of course, I could have left the background white or painted it first [^..^] but I did it after the coffee dried. I used payne's gray wash and sprinkled it with salt. The wash moved the coffee a little but I like how it looks foggy. The foreground wash was covered in syran wrap. After the "moon" and the foreground was dry I removed the wax paper shape and the syran wrap.
Keep arting folks!