scanned art work that I did when working with the older kids age 12-16. They were fun to be with and they liked to see what I would come up with on each exercise in the recycled collage class.
Orange Moon
© 8/2015 Ellen Miffitt
Orange Moon is a torn/cut collage landscape from discarded watercolor paintings.
Leaf Nymph
© 8/2015 Ellen Miffitt
Leaf Nymph was made from sewing pattern tissue paper and a hand cast face.
Painted Spheres
© 8/2015 Ellen Miffitt
The paper for this design was scrap scrapbook paper and hand stained paper [acrylic paint]. This design is on a 16X16" black paper but I can only scan most of it.
Butterfly Weaving
© 8/2015 Ellen Miffitt
Anothe design from scrap scrapbook paper and I emphasized using weaving as part of their design. This design is on a 16X16" black paper but I can only scan most of it.
I'm almost finished with the chopstick books I'm making. All I have to do is cut the ribbon and thread through paper punched holes to keep the chopsticks in place. I may cut up Leaf Nymph, Painted Spheres and Butterfly Weaving as well as other older collages/artwork to decorate the cover of these simple books.
The cooler weather has me reenergizing and starting to work on lots of started projects!
Wonderful to be focused again..,