Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


Another Equinox is going to be "published" in the Collective Colloquy Monday online publication!
mailing address: Creative Colloquy, North 26th Street, Tacoma, WA 98407

another equinox

set the timepiece for 10:29pm...
on the dot its autumn.
half light - half dark,
a balanced outlook of sorts...
12 hours daylight - 12 hours night

the celebration -
mother nature is sending
her first big fall storm.
subtle shift charges the air...
mare's tails are enhanced in the setting sun.

I collected oak leaves to dry.
already they've turned a burnished bronze.
Maple trees have leaves with red edges.
Aspen leaves are golden...
evergreens are loaded with pine cones.

constellations are changing...
Orion will lord over the night sky.
celestial arrangement on my ceiling
will suffice once the storm patterns settle
from mid October to March.

thick clouds will obscure starlight;
downpour lullabies will be the norm.
hunkered down under quilt layers,
nights become shrouded dampness
lit by dimly glowing plastic stars.
