Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


(posted on 9 Nov 2013)

Today's Holiday card workshop at the Panorama Retirement Community was held in their remodeled art room. Wow, what a gorgeous room - the lighting is top notch, white walls, light colored floor to help reflect light. I was so busy for 3 hours helping people that I didn't think to take photos of the room and only a few quick snaps of cards folks were making. I was happy that the four who originally signed up turned into 8 participants.

I actually stenciled the stars for this participant. She didn't want her clothes spattered - trust me, I wore a very old shirt and apologized for it but I had no fear to ruin something nice when spattering. Yes, I could wear an apron but...

I found some holiday collage paper at Joann's and it was on Sale too. So everyone had a great paper selection to work with...

I also brought my stencils with holiday themes. A gentle tap-tap places the color in the blank spaces on the stencil.

Someone brought in allot of dried leaves. We used Elmer's Glue to coat both sides - usually I prefer to us an acrylic gel [mat or gloss] to coat an item like a leaf.

the leaves are still drying and for now look colorful... they may fade over time. A uv clear acrylic medium would be better to seal after adhering with a gel.

One of the participant brought in beautiful rubber stamps and stencils to share. [pardon the messy photo.]

After coming to the Lacey TRL workshop, this resident of Panorama made sketches of what she wanted to accomplish in today's workshop. The mini mittens are held on with brads which also hold the ribbon down. She finished this by adhering the gold ribbon.

So now tomorrow I get to play. When I teach I get so many ideas...

Tuesday I'll ship cards to Shoreline Gallery and Bainbridge Arts & Crafts as well as bring some down to Traditions in Olympia.

Keep arting...
