Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


(posted on 24 Oct 2015)

I have been sooooooooooooo busy this summer and fall chores leading to producing items for upcoming holiday fairs, I have not had time to upload new artwork [block print images, collages, or digital drawings] on my various print on demand stores. As far as the pastel digital drawing of cats, I'm closing in on 300 drawings for the year...

Print on Demand URLs:****

I did get this message the other day from Zazzle: Welcome! You have accrued over $1,000 in lifetime Zazzle earnings, qualifying you for our ProDesigner program at the Bronze level. The sales are fairly steady; for most of the year, there is a purchase of a product with one of my images every few days. A big thank you to all who purchase on these sites.

I am going to facilitate a one night class in the winter quarter about pros & cons of POD stores. For instance, it's taken a long time to reach a $1,000 in commission. One thing to keep in mind with POD stores - they are always offering promo discounts [as much as 50%] so as an artist i can earn as little as ten cents for a post card sold with my art work image.

Print on Demand companies, like Fine Art America, Zazzle, RedBubble, Cafepress, etc. are flourishing. Typically you create a shop front and choose what to display your work on. No physical products are created until it sells. Products include (canvas, prints, t-shirts, mugs, home décor, and so on) within their marketplace. Spend an evening learning the Pros, Cons & Risks of placing your images on a POA shop. Olympia Parks, Art & Recreation Feb 22, 2016 from 6 to 8pm

Back to preparing items for the holiday fairs!