Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


(posted on 24 Oct 2015)

After recovering from all that summer teaching, September was full of canning [salsa, pickles, relish, etc.] and freezing veggies.... now I'm recovered from putting food up!

As far as art classes this fall - unfortunately only one 6 week class and one Saturday workshop ran!

I've signed up for three holiday fairs and maybe a forth [listed under current exhibits] so now I'm finally after a long hiatus in full production most days.

Hand printed close to 200 prints from my various blocks that I've carved over the last few years... adhered to blank note cards. Sent some to Confluence Gallery in Twisp, WA and some to Bainbridge Arts & Crafts on Bainbridge Is., WA.

the little boxes below are paper mache that you can buy in craft stores/amazon, etc. I painted them with acrylic, sprayed the inside with glitter [horrid smell ], glued on trim around the bottom part. Just need to collage on the tops...

I have been making chopstick bound mini journals [almost 50 are finished]. They're the size of a folded piece of copy paper. i glue two sheets of cardstock to make the covers a little sturdier. Next fold ten pages of trimmed 65# paper for the pages [equals 20]. After paper punching holes, thread with ribbon and tie the chopsticks in place. Adhere art on cover [Sumi-e, watercolor pencil drawings, collages, or block prints] and bag...

Sumi-e below - waiting for chopsticks to dry from staining:

collages below:

I will also have small art [ those 4X4" mixed media on canvas, matted Sumi-e, & maybe the PMC jewelry] as well as little wooden boxes that I intend to woodburn. I have two weeks to get them done having various thoughts about designs - like make up your mind... Also have small wooden ornaments to either paint of woodburn.

Keep Arting...