Free Form Acrylics class happened today: Saturday October 26th 9:30am to 2am Here is the class description: This is not your formal painting class… come and experiment with acrylic paints. You’ll learn to use various acrylic extenders and gels to create flowing, dripping, separating and other unusual methods of applying paint to substrate.
We used Flow aide instead of water to thin standard acrylics, heavy modeling past, gloss gel and natural sand texturing gel. I also brought in samples of iridescent, interference and some other tube or jar acrylics.
Had 5 participants but I brought the camera and totally spaced on taking any pictures! I did a demo on a recycled canvass board. I wish I'd taken a photo before - wow, it was ugly. I used an awful Liqutex green to show them how to scrap with palette knife or other implements - it was a ghastly color. Once they started working on their own pieces, I would circle around and give them suggestions and go back to work on mine.
Itinerant (C)10/26/2013 Nine Lives Studio
I may adjust it a tiny bit but sometimes... sometimes its better to know when to stop!
I need a tiny nap - went to bed after midnight - was up at 7:30 and was on my feet from arrival [9am] to class was over 2:15pm....
keep arting