Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


(posted on 21 Oct 2019)

Wow, I've been remiss in keeping up with blog.

Tore apart the "art room" and still have sorting to do. check Gallery Boom's Arts PArt area. I bagged a lot of miscellaneous while organized my teaching sample/materials and particular projects I want to focus on in the future. Most of the teaching supplies are in the garage. Otherwise it was a hunt for whatever I needed.

I also cleared many of my art samples for various classes. They're marked $5.00 at Gallery Boom where my display is located.

I have to admit I think I broke through a lingering depression hence the reorganization. Partly it was constant discomfort from Achilles tendon and right knee. The steady pain was exhausting but now ankle and knee are much better; walking is usually back to being comfortable and speedy.

October's classes were a bust. Not sure if people are worried about the finances or the general unrest of the times. There are still some offerings for November...

I manage 3,000 words per day on a multiple number of writing projects. I don't outline so I often get a block as how to end the story. Most mornings I wake up with a scenario including dialogue. NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month is around the corner. I'm trying to finish about four stories at once; it's like working on several paintings at once.

that's it for now...

Keep creating!