Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


(posted on 19 May 2014)

Saturday I presented Make Art, Make Books at Olympia Parks, Arts & Recreation. We made a block print first then a Japanese Binding and a Chopstick Ribbon book...
For the Japanese stitched binding book, I brought my hand drill/bit to drill the holes. I had pens, watercolor pencils, etc but the participants just made the books didn't decorated them.The chopstick book has punch holes at the center fold. The ribbon rests in the center fold inside the book, is then poked through a hole, chopsticks slide into the loop, then the end of the ribbon is threaded through the upper hole, placed between the two chopsticks and tied. A very simple binding.

Next for fun..

an umbrella book. I made a pattern to trace on watercolor paper... I'm eventually going to use watercolor pencils and write a poem on it.
Below is an Oak Leaf Book....

It can be made from crinkled paper bags. A string is tied to one button, threaded through a paper punch hole, and tied to the second button.

Keep arting!