Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


Today I used a lighter weight scrapbook paper... Can't find any info as far as weight but yesterdays paper seemed like #65 card stock. The paper I used today was closer to normal computer printer paper.

The Mod Podge definitely works well and the beads come out with a nice gloss covering and don't need to be resealed. There is also a "matte" Mod Podge that is not glossy. Think I was winding them a bit too tight today. The Mod Podge also sticks to the bamboo skewers. A couple beads are permanently stuck on the skewer and one bead I wrecked pulling off so next time I'll try plastic coffee stirrer. I also may have to drill the hole bigger on a couple beads as I pulled them off to let them dry rather than let them dry on the skewer.

I like how the design of these lighter weight paper looks when rolled. Least I'm ironing out the bugs in case the class I offered on Paper Bead Making runs...

I rummaged through my various collections of rubber stamps and found some that might work for the StazOn Ink etching. I may give them a go before ZZZZZZZZZ tonight... but I have a Mixed Media class running on Tues evenings for four weeks so I have to gather supplies/samples, etc....

Keep arting!