after napping today - the last two weeks, I really wore myself out not being used to teaching and also the Auburn Artrageous with 6 hours on my feet with no break... so naps are necessary to get my body back to balance.
I was too tired to paint although I worked out some design ideas.
I think I need to ship these paintings tomorrow because of July 4th... they're due next Tuesday and I don't want to drive to drop them off as I would hit gobs of traffic.
I did decide to paint the canvass and then adhered the paper with the Enso and the Sumi horse. the background paint showing through the paper made the horse looked "pink" - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I coated the horse with silver... I may touch it up again tomorrow.
Arianrhad © 6/2014 Nine Lives Studio
it does look better in person - it's late and the flash messes with the results...
second painting - Cerridwen © 6/29/2014 Nine Lives Studio
I did paint the underneath an ocher color and attached a piece of Sumi-e paper that I had printed maple leaves onto last year.
I had prepared the four horses four years ago but never framed them. I glued them under the leaf print paper but they disappeared so I scraped the top paper away. glazed with iridescent bright gold [golden acrylic paint] I also attached three silk leaves... this painting really glows.
Received a call from Wendy at Avanti Art & Design checking on my 30 day 30 pieces of art due on the 11th - guess what I'm working on all week! I have five backgrounds started...
so here they are - five 4x4" painted in my last acrylic class.... only 25 more to begin! I wrote some phrases to go around the edges while the kids were busy drawing in the comic book class........ I decided this year to paint the backgrounds and then collage or add embellishments. I am thinking of printing the phrases on ribbon to make them easy to read. Sometimes writing on the canvass makes for difficult calligraphy mishaps.
Time for more Zzzzzzzz
Keep arting