Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


(posted on 21 Oct 2013)

I managed to remember to bring my camera to Bainbridge Island yesterday when I facilitated an art activity at the Wyatt House - a retirement community.

I have offered this activity at the STARS program at the Olympia Center as well as at the Madison House another retirement facility on Bainbridge Island.

It is fun to see the different designs that the participants create. I'm using bubble solution with acrylic ink added for color. Bubbles are blown onto the 140 weight watercolor paper. Lighter paper tends to get wrinkled and the bubble solution soaks through the paper.

Then I had my stencils for them to use to trace designs onto/over their bubble patterns. When I had class members do this in Zen Ink or Finger Painting on the Moon we did freehand drawing and/or created patterns when the paper was dry.

traced flower...

We all had a good time - making loads of colorful bubbles.

In the image below - the bubbles were blown onto the traced flowers. Love how the marker bleed when the bubble solution landed on it.

In progress using the sea life stencils

and finished