Nine Lives Studio - Ellen Miffitt
Sumi-e, Collage, Mixed Media, Watercolor Pencil, PMC Jewelry, Block Prints and Art Instruction


(posted on 9 Jan 2014)

Sketchbook Project deadline is coming up next week.

THE 2014 SKETCHBOOK PROJECT TOUR Postmark Deadline - Jan. 15th 2014 - Brooklyn Art Library, 103A North 3rd St., Brooklyn, NY 11249 Open 11am-7pm Everyday Ph : 718-388-7941

Ususally I collage, add drawings along with my poetry. This year, i deided to put two stories about my Elf characters - Sean and Shawn.

That's my character study sheet on the right - I drew many of the images freehand but I also used the lightbox to trace some images.

inking over the pencil drawings...

lots of erasing!

Today I colored in the images with watercolor pencils. Tomorrow I'll add a tiny bit of water to the watercolor pencil.

Keep arting everyone!
